Copywriting vs Content Writing – Which Is Better?

Published by Jeet Tan on

Copywriting vs content writing.

Are copywriters the same as content writers?

I want to make this clear. Writers are NOT THE same as copywriters.

Writers write for the sake of writing, copywriters write for the intention of making sales and generating revenue.

Writers write from creativity, copywriters write to influence a very specific action.

Writers and copywriters are two very different professions that utilize the written word, with very different objectives.

I want you to think from now on that copywriters are basically sales people, we use the word to sell.

Copywriting Is Salesmanship In Print

Every single business on this planet cannot survive without sales. Sales are the bread and butter of every company, sales are what drives entire economies. To be a copywriter, is to be the spearhead of every single business – a copywriter is a salesmen first, and a writer second.

There are a lot of rookie copywriters out there that write fancy words, but those words do not create a specific action. These are copywriters, but not really – they may be content writers. The world’s highest paid copywriters on the other hand are direct-response copywriters, what they write can generate millions of dollars through a single page.

My work here with Jeet Tan Copywriting is direct-response copywriting.

As a direct-response copywriter, sales principles absolutely do apply.

  1. Being service oriented. Write to serve your reader, not for yourself.
  2. Listening and meeting your audience needs
  3. Having a solid offer and a unique selling point
  4. Being a good consultant

Hiring a copywriter to tweak aspects of your marketing message could mean the difference between a business stuck in low-6 figures to someone that is accelerating in 7 or even 8 figures.

It’s through the language we are speaking, the words we write, that we convince the other person a point of view that is beneficiary to both parties.

That is the power of copywriters.

By the way, I talked about the power of words in one of my weekly broadcast emails – if you haven’t already subscribed, then what are you doing? Go and subscribe to my email list now!

Using Words To Influence Decisions

Words are weapons. There has been many proverbs in this world that say the power of the word is sharper than the sword.

  • Words have the power to create wars and destroy nations.
  • Words have the power to stop a man that is about to jump off a building, to save his life.
  • Words have the power to influence a person to become a raving fan for your brand.

Simply just words..

And it is through utilizing words that you grow your company and attract new customers.

The descriptions you are writing about your products/services, are they influential enough, are they powerful enough, are they simple enough that a 5 year old could understand it?

What about your company’s mission statement, your branding. How are the words there?

What about your social media posts, or your offer.  How are the words there?

These are areas which a small tweak from a copywriter can instantly shift the vibe, and be the difference between a dead pipeline, to one being filled with customers.

It’s just using words.

When asking the question copywriting vs content writing – it’s about what is the objective you have in mind in regards to the words you write.

Now, I want to bring a very common misconception to the forefront: “My business is already doing well, we don’t need a copywriter.”

My reply to that would be, are you a 9-figure business, because even the top businesses are hiring copywriters to tweak their messages to maximize their sales. They hire copywriters (and pay them handsomely) them because they understand the power of a slight conversion rate bump. A 1-3% increase in conversion rate could be the difference between a company that is just breaking even and a company that is maximizing their profit margins.

Low Angle Photography of Gray Concrete Building Under Blue Sky
The Trump Organization understands the power of words with their branding

Some of my mentors that I have trained with in copywriting: Dan Lok, Tai Lopez, Jason Capital, Mr. Quentin Pain from the International Copywriting Association and more. These individuals are truly masters at their craft and yet they told me that they STILL TO THIS DAY are finding chinks in their armor, holes in their offer, and places where they can improve their copy.

Copy is not something you write once, you slap your hand together and say I’m done. It is something that must be improved because there is never a single piece of copy on this planet  that cannot be improved. A sales letter that has scored a $100,000 in sales could’ve scored $200,000. A million dollar campaign could’ve been a 3 million or 4 million dollar campaign.

This is why whatever marketing you currently have, you need to know that it can be done better. I would like you to think marketing as individual cogs in a machine. A single cog could be email. Another cog could be in ads. Another cog could be in blog posts, or a lead magnet page. Another cog could be your actual product deliverables.

A single copywriter (or even a small team) could not possibly program these “cogs” with an equal level of quality, an equal level of care. THERE IS ALWAYS an area that a business is weak at, it could be email, it could be the landing page, it could be the headline of the landing page, or it could be the lead magnet itself, and even if they were all good, they could always be done better.

This is why many copywriters specialize, there are some that are really good in writing email copy, but terrible in video scripts, there are some that are amazing finance copywriters but terrible in the restaurants/food industry. Find a copywriter that suits your needs and business but remember..

When you hire a copywriter, his/her job is to come in and make what you have EVEN better. If what you have sucks, then he’s going to make your stuff good. If your stuff is good, he’s going to make it excellent. If your stuff is excellent, he’s going to be making it amazing.

Conclusion: Copywriting vs Content Writing

So going back to the question of which is better? Copywriting vs content writing.

The answer is it depends.

You can never lose when you hire a copywriter that knows what he is doing because you are basically buying money at a discount from him.

A copywriter’s job is to produce you cash. Just like you pay a salesperson to produce you sales. Copywriters are a foremost a results-driven profession, does the copy work, yes or no.

While a content writer is there to create content that does not need a specific action but instead its goal is to create trust within a brand. Ideally, you would need both. Copywriters have to be content writers because good copy requires good content, but content writers do not necessary need to know how to write good copy because they do not need to create a specific action.

Who you choose to hire will depend on your business needs and your unique situation.

So that’s it for today’s segment. I hope this helps you understand the copywriter’s market better and so you can make the best choice in hiring one to help you for your business.

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1 Comment

Your Comprehensive Guide To Content Writing - Jeet Tan Copywriting · March 20, 2022 at 7:40 am

[…] one of my previous article, I took a diss at content writers and it seems from the vibe of the article I was giving is that […]

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