Who Wins? AI Copywriting vs Human Copywriters

Published by Jeet Tan on

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Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. AI Copywriting In Action
  3. What Are The Usages Of AI Copywriting
  4. Will AI Replace Copywriters In The Near Future?


Are robots going to take over the planet in the next decade?


As time goes on, technology seems to be evolving at a never stopping rate, every latest gadget seemingly more complicated than the last. With advancements in fields such as machine and deep learning, it just seems that the inevitable is about to occur – AI replacing humans. This is the same in the field of advertising and copywriting.

“As AI gets probably much smarter than humans, the relative intelligence ratio is probably similar to that between a person and a cat, maybe bigger.”

— Elon Musk

Robots | Will they replace us?
Will AI copywriting replace marketers?

AI will be used in marketing for the future.. but not in the way you think it’ll be used.

AI simply at this point does not have the capabilities to replace humans as copywriters. It’s because of a very core fundamental principle of marketing, the conveying of emotions. You see, no matter how good a robot may able to mimic human beings, it will never be able to mimic human emotions. It is the emotions through the marketing that influences our buying decisions.

And that’s what marketing is all about, a transference of emotions. An AI copywriter can indeed aid people in writing good copy but that’s all what it is, an aid. It can be a very good aid, however that’ll about be it. What AI copywriting cannot do however is automatically generate the copy, upload it on the website, and based on the market feedback change it’s messaging and even if it were able to do that, it would still lose out to human beings who can write messages that hit home.

AI copywriting is simply that, just an aid.

AI Copywriting in Action

Here are some examples currently in the marketplace that utilize AI technology to aid copywriters in generating good copy.

Instant Scripts


This program is used to generate copy. Although this is not exactly an AI technology, it’s still used to help marketers shave time off their writing.

Copy AI

COPY.AI seems to have a comprehensive easy to use interface in addition to have the ability to automatically generate copy. I can see this being a good aid to use in conjunction with copywriting.

Jasper AI


Jasper AI is an example of AI technology being used for creating blog posts. Simply write the first few paragraphs and the AI will finish the rest of the sentences. Do note that this platform generates do at times seem robotic. It’ll be up to to the judgement of the person editing the copy to make it better.

What Are The Usages Of AI Copywriting

There are only two reasons why someone should use an AI copywriter. The first one is to save time.

Saving time comes due to the fact that it takes time to come up with good copy. It also takes a skilled copywriter to be able to generate ideas on the spot like that. AI copywriters are used to shave off time of the copywriting process.

The second benefit of using AI copywriter is that it’s about producing more content.

One of the fastest way to scale a business is to simply put out a lot of content. Neil Patel talks about this in one of his videos. Content production is one of the most important for businesses to scale their marketing. When you are using an AI copywriter, you are buying speed due to the fact that you can use the copy given to you to write faster.

Just like a sword is dependent on its wielder, how one utilizes AI copywriters will be dependent on the skill of the user.

Will AI Replace Copywriters In The Near Future?

Until the day where AI becomes smarter and can generate human feelings, the answer is simply no. An AI itself cannot write copy for any business, any company and the reason is simply because an AI does not understand human emotions.

Copy by itself cannot be done because there are some parts of writing copy which require a contextual understanding of the work itself, these require not only an understanding of psychology but the ability to use human emotions, and actual feelings. These things cannot be faked.

AI copywriting will be used in conjunction with human copywriters as it enhances the work flow experience but it can never replace human beings.

As using word processor to write letters is an upgrade from using your hands to write a letter. A word processor may be a very convenient upgrade, it does not take away the fact that you would still need to learn how to write on paper. This will go the same with AI copywriters. Learning to write copy is still something that human beings have to do, it’s not like one day a robot, using AI copywriting, will replace human beings (and if that happens, we’ve got more problems to worry about than AI replacing marketing!)

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