Document, Don’t Create

Published by Jeet Tan on

Document, don’t create is a marketing strategy that was introduced by media mogul, Gary Vaynerchuk.

Why does Gary tell us not to create things, when the whole game of marketing is about promoting your products and services?

It’s simply because when you are documenting rather than creating, you are conveying authenticity in your messaging.

  • You are able to showcase interesting highlights of your business.
  • You are also able to showcase your products as documenting is part of it.
  • All while, keeping your originality rather than constantly having to come up with content ideas.

A common question many business owners have is: “What if I’m not yet an authority in my niche?” or “I’m still not yet that well versed to speak on this subject matter compared to..”

Documenting over creating allows you to overcome that barrier. You do not need to have reached the multimillion dollar empire status before you become an authority about your subject matter, rather than you become an authority of your subject matter because you are documenting your experience.

How Can “Documenting Your Journey” Be An Asset To Scale Your Company?

The first advantage is that you will be more authentic, and by the way, I’m not talking about being authentic so okay I can do and post whatever the hell I want.

What I mean is about being authentic in a strategic way. You see, consumers now adays are smarter than ever, more cautious than ever and less trusting than ever. A faceless brand simply will not cut it to build a long term relationship with your prospects, and having these long term relationships could mean between the long-term sustainability of your business, or stagnation.

Documenting your journey over creating is all about the personal connection you have with your audiences, you are being real and utilizing empathy to connect with your potential clients because at the end of the day people want to do business with people that are similar and close to you.

The second advantage is that it helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace and is absolutely a viable content strategy.

Studies have shown that it takes 5-15 touch points with a prospect before they even consider the possibility of purchasing a product from you. That means your audiences reading 5-15, or even more pieces of content to win your viewers over.

Digital 2022: Global Overview Report — DataReportal – Global Digital  Insights

As the amount of social media users approach 4.62 billion in 2022, the online marketplace is getting more crowded day by day. Opportunities to grow online are becoming endless, however marketers and business owners are needing to rethink their content strategy as it’s no longer okay to just post quality content once or twice a month, content must be consistent and daily.

Documenting your journey, rather than creating allows you to make your daily life a part of your content strategy.

How do you keep up with your audience’s demand for high quality content? Documenting over creating allows you to pump up content fast and meet this demand.

Finally, when you are documenting over creating, you are also building your personal brand. Your personal brand are aspects of your business that are unique to you, that competitors will find it impossible to copy.

Is documenting your journey through content something that will make your business go viral overnight? It won’t. But it will bring you the right clients and right customers that are lifelong fans. You are playing the long game here, not the short game.

Sharing: The Pillar Of Documenting Your Journey

  1. Share what is happening in your life.
  2. Share a lesson you have learnt recently.
  3. Share what you think is your vision of your future.

There are many methods to document your journey. First is to share stories of what happened in your life, interesting moments, and publish it as part of your content strategy.

The second method is to share a lesson that you have learnt recently, maybe an idea that came unto to your head, a conversation with an employee that made you reflect on things. Put that down as well as part of your content strategy.

The final method is to tell your audiences about your vision for the future, what you envision your company going to be in 5-10 years for now. Tell them your plans, in fact announce it to the world.

This wraps up our summary for Gary Vaynerchuk’s content strategy: “Document over creating”. “Document, don’t create” should not be complicated, it is very simple. But it requires massive amounts of action and implementation. Just pick something that you can document, and produce a piece of content today!

I hope you were able to find value in this and if you’d like to learn more about creating content that converts, be sure to download my free e-book, “Cash-Emails” to help you learn more.

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