The Best Personal Branding Lessons From Donald Trump

Published by Jeet Tan on

Love him, hate him, you cannot disagree that Donald Trump is a master persuader and a personal branding genius, if not he just would not have been able to become the 45th president of the United States of America.

It is not my intention to be political in this article. You can absolutely hate a guy’s guts and still have things to learn from him, and you can love someone yet at the same time they have nothing of value to offer.

Each individual has their strengths and weaknesses but when we are talking about marketing, sales and and success in business, there are simply things that you must learn from the world’s best. Donald Trump is fortunately, or unfortunately one of them.

Analysis: Why you can't just ignore this statement from Donald Trump -  CNNPolitics

The Trump brand is very successful in its own right being one of the top 15 most influential real estate companies in the US. Having achieved a feat that everyone thought was impossible, beating Hillary Clinton in the US elections as an underdog in 2016 goes to show that there are things that he is doing better than others that allow him to be this well-known and influential.

Like him or hate him let’s take some personal branding lessons from Trump and use it for ourselves.

1. Take a stand for your belief

The Trump brand is not boring, you know where he stands on things. It’s either black or white.

Real estate mogul, Barbara Corcoran once stated that this man sold a hotel to the Chinese when there was nothing on the land yet. He’s a master salesman because he believes in what he is selling.

Trump’s rich, he shows it off, he does not care about political correctness. Loves himself, tells everyone how awesome he is and is pretty much a narcissist. But that is how he got things done.

Take this lesson and become extremely polarizing in your branding. If you hate trump, tell the world you hate him. If you love him, tell the world why. If you are someone that is for upholding the tradition and rules, tell them exactly that. And if you are someone that is against the system, you tell them why as well.

You want your brand to be polarized in a way that people are hating what you are putting out. You want people to have an opinion about you, bad opinions are welcomed. That way, you will find your niche of audiences that agree with your opinion, these will be the people that make up your tribe.

2. Be Seen By More People

Ivanka Trump takes Donald Trump seat at G20 leaders' table - BBC News

It’s simple human nature that people trust people that are seen more by other people,

Trump makes it known that he’s out there shaking hands, kissing babies and meeting a ton of people. Everyone knows who he is.

What this does is that it gets you out of obscurity, and let’s face it – you cannot really survive in this day and age if you are in obscurity.

The Trump brand is seen by a lot of people, his building, Trump Tower on the 55th avenue is known by all in New York. You wouldn’t be reading this article if he is not famous or well known. You HAVE to be well known in this day and age. Where information for pretty much anything is readily available, attention is scarce.

It is no longer a war out there about the people with the best guns, the best business, or even the best information, it’s now about who has people’s attention.

Go out there and be seen by more people and reap the financial rewards of it.

3. Shameless Promotion

There is no such thing as bad publicity.

Donald J. Trump. The Art Of The Deal.

In Trump’s best selling book: “The Art of The Deal”, he shares some of his philosophies on self promotion.

He is shameless in promoting himself, he tells his opinions on things. Some of it I disagree with personally, but you’ve got to respect that he’s got the guts to be shameless in self promotion. You have got to reach a point where you are promoting yourself wherever you go.

Grant Cardone, another real estate investor and arguably one of the best sales trainers in the United States shared his experience in his book: “Sold or be sold” of how he used Trump’s shameless self promotion to sell one of his products.

When Grant would promote his courses and programs, he would first start off with people he call his power base. Grant’s power base consists of people that know him, which at one point of time included some of the people that bullied him in school. He called up one of these guys that he had a beef in high school to come to his office because he was promoting one of his launches, he closed the deal right then and there that day and even made up with the guy.

What does this show?

It shows that it is 10x EASIER to sell to someone that you know, even if this person hates your guts, than to sell to someone that does not know who you are.

Trump does this with his shameless self promotions. In order for him to be successful, he needs to promote himself and get himself known, despite opinions of him.

Grant Cardone & Donald Trump

BONUS: Never Giving Up

I think a trait about trump that you got to respect is that he never gives up despite the opposition that he’s faced. Even during the 2016 election, the mainstream media painting him as how bad as he is, he never ever, gave up.

I think that’s also a trait that we can learn from him in that whatever message, whatever business you are in, if you believe in your product, you will never give up. If you truly believe in whatever you are selling, even though nobody is interested in it, as long as you are interested – that’s all that matters and is what will give you the persistence and perseverance to go on despite obstacles.

What Is Your Personal Brand?

Trump Tower at downtown New York

I’m curious to know, what are your values of your personal brand. Here at Jeet Tan Copywriting, we value: 1. freedom, 2. ambition, and 3. contribution.

1. Freedom

This is the number one value for my brand. I believe in giving people the choice in doing business the way you want it, with who you want when you want.

If you like what you are seeing, great. If not, you are free to leave.

We are accepting of who you are, no matter your color, your country, your background. As long as you are a good person and got money. I want to take care of people that have got money, I want to provide a service to people that have got money, and I want to help YOU grow your financial base.

2. Ambition

I don’t like working with losers, sorry.

Everything we do here, we play to win, meaning I want to get you results. I also do not settle for anything less than amazing.

To be mediocre and to succeed takes the exact same amount of effort. So might as well succeed in what you are doing while you are at it!

I have turned away wishy-washy people, people that care excessively about looking good for no reason, rather than actually creating real, lasting results.  F*** looking good. Would you rather want to look good, or do you want to make money to feed yourself and your family?

Most people just do not have the IT-factor, at least most small businesses out there, to them is about maintenance rather than expansion. In a world, that is changing so fast every single day, you simply HAVE NO CHOICE but to expand or you will be left out in the dust.

Especially with a global pandemic and very questionable politicians running this world looming to crush our economies, now is the time to be aggressive and attack in your business, rather than playing defense.

Whatever I do, I strive for massive action, to reach perfection and being the best at my craft, and I like to work with people that share this philosophy.

3. Community / Contribution

It’s all about connecting people together. I work for the community and the service to it.

When you are working with me, you are not simply buying a copywriting service, that, you can get elsewhere and at a far more cheaper price.

When you work with me, you are buying into our network, into our community, and into OUR mission of changing this world. What I do here is not about me, it’s about you and how I can serve you. It’s about how I can help you expand your network and creating communities of like minded individuals.

Whatever I do, I contribute back to my community because it’s simply the way of life. We are living in an interconnected time never before in history where a person from the United States of America can chat with someone from China and Japan with just a press of a few buttons.

Let’s keep the world this way where everyone is friendly with each other, and not have a repeat of two world wars. I do not care what business you are in, what job you have, the livelihood of how well you do is absolutely dependent on your country at the political level and the stability of the geopolitical situation of the world at a global level. Just look at what a global, COVID-19 pandemic has done to destabilize businesses worldwide.

And it all stems from the relationship you have with your community, and unfortunately in this time and age, we are living in a global community and economy of interdependence where one country’s move will affect another therefor it is one of my missions to be able to help contribute to this global marketplace that is forming by bringing people together.

What are your top 3 values, I’m curious to hear about them, be sure to write them down and make it known to everyone. Use the best personal branding lessons from Trump, from me and the world’s best to transform your business.

If you have any copywriting questions, queries or things I can help you out with. Be sure to contact me here through my contact me page.

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