20 Reasons Why You Must 10x Your Publishing Frequency

Published by Jeet Tan on

Publish often

Want more results? Increase your frequency of publishing content or copy.

We all like to think that our work is very good and that people will automatically like whatever content you are putting out. The truth is that it takes an average of 5-12 times for an average viewer to first be introduced to your content before they are interested in taking action to buy your product. That means the average person will have to consume at least 5-12 pieces of content before they are even thinking of initiating contact of you – and this is assuming you are good! (meaning if your content is not good, that number will be even more).

According to the book: Guerilla Marketing by Jay Conrad Levinson, the author notes that marketing is not about spamming people. You must also have good quality, valuable content to give people. Let’s take an example that you do every day: watching your favorite episode of TV. What do you do? You watch it every single day. If the series was good, there wasn’t a day you skipped and if you did skip the series, there was always a lingering regret that you missed out on the TV episode. That is the power of frequency – it makes people look forward to your content and creates a fan. As a result of the show being addictive, it gets higher ratings, more sponsors and ultimately generates more cashflow for the company.

This is why, I am going to be sharing with you the 20 reasons why you must increase the frequency of publishing:

1. Data

When you increase your frequency, you have more datapoints to work with. When you have more data points you are not shooting in the dark and hoping that your copy/content is well received. You are able to make decisions based on facts and not speculation.

2. Better relationship with your audience

When you publish more often, and more frequently – it shows your audience that you care, and when you show people that you care, they are more likely to work with you.

3. Practice

Practice makes perfect. When you are publishing content more often, most likely your content will get better over time. And if your content gets better over time, your business will be more well received by your audience. You are also able to use the practice to adapt to the marketplace’s needs.

4. Gives people free stuff

Content = free stuff. People love free stuff because people are lazy. We don’t want to work against our innate laziness but to work with it. Free stuff creates trust and makes people more likely to respond to you in kind in the future.

5. Value

Always be adding value to people. Even when you work with clients, your products must be something that makes people’s lives better in some way. Publishing more frequently is something that is easy, and adds massive value to your potential prospects.

6. Teaching is selling

A majority of your content will be teaching something, it could be a lesson, it could be your product, it could be your company’s mission, it could be what the product will do for your customer. Ultimately, marketing is teaching – you are educating your audiences in something. When you publish more, you are able to teach more and therefor create trust.

7. Teaching helps yourself

Publishing more often can be self-beneficial. When you publish content, you are also learning about yourself and your own business.

8. Repeat purchases

For existing customers as well. Publishing frequency can help with repeat purchases which is shown to generate more than 40% of the revenue for a business. Frequency allows you to remain top of mind with your previous prospects.

9. Increased Exposure to different demographics

As different types of content can adhere to different demographics of your business. You are able to use the added frequency to target different customers, and thereby increasing your exposure to your business. This exposure will be crucial in conversations that occur in your prospect’s minds, which through the word of mouth will likely help you generate more leads without much work.

10. Get clear on your customer’s needs

As the marketing and copywriting landscape is constantly changing. So are your marketplace’s needs. That is why when you are marketing, you want to be constantly updated on current events, affairs and conversations. However, when you are increasing your publishing frequency – you are able to clearly ascertain what your customer needs are because of the feedback you receive from the marketplace. Feedback is king.

11. Feedback

Feedback is king because of its accuracy. When you are publishing frequently you are receiving more feedback on average to someone that publishes infrequently. This feedback is absolutely vital in determining your future campaigns and you can be able to base your copy and content that you produce based on facts, rather than speculation.

When you base your marketing based on facts and raw data, you will increase your conversion rates, increase you ROI and increase ultimately the revenue you generate for your company.

12. Give before you get.

It is a universal principle that the more you give to others, the more you will receive. When you produce more content and write more copy, you are abiding by this principle because content is free and easy to consume for others.

13. Cuts through the noise

According Netcraft’s March 2022 Web Server Surey, there are over 1 billion sites on the world wide web. Competition has never been fiercer than ever. Simply publishing once or twice a month may have worked during the 2000s, but nowadays that simply won’t cut it. It’s the businesses that take time to invest in aspects of their marketing that will win out after 2020.

14. Excellent return on investment

Sales and marketing is one of the best investments you can make for any business – because these are areas that directly affect your revenue and cashflow. Increasing marketing frequency is something that does not have any downside while maintaining a massive upside if done correctly.

15. New blood ideas

I call this concept: “new blood ideas”. As you increase your publishing frequency, you are able to test new ideas more often. When you are testing new ideas, you are more likely to find a winning idea that your business can run with.

Having winning marketing ideas you can run with will help you achieve success as it will produce massive paydays with simply a click of a few buttons. However, these winning ideas do not just come overnight – they come with constant application and practice which marketing frequency allows you to do.

16. Better content over time

As I have mentioned, your content is going to be improving over time. But the only way to improve your content is through practice. Frequency will guarantee better content over time, it’s impossible for you to not improve if you or your team puts in the work.

17. Creating a brand

Number 17 may be one of the most important sections of frequency in marketing. When you are publishing content frequently and keeping a constant communication with your prospects, you are not simply creating a business with one off customers. You are creating a brand, something that represents something for the people that purchase for you. Businesses come one day and go the next, but brands are long term entities that stay here for life. Frequency allows you to create a brand with lifelong customers that will sustain you for many years to come.

18. Creates trust

Have you ever trusted something the first time you see something? The answer is a resounding no and if the answer is a yes, chances are you have already been exposed to the object many times. In a world where everyone is so skeptical and untrusting of each other, your first attempt at creating a connection is going to fall flat. It’s going to take multiple touches and multiple times of contact to build trust. Frequency does just that, create trust.

19. Demolishes competitors

Your competitors are lazy. Your competitors are likely not going to put in the extra mile to be a little bit better than you, a little bit smarter than you. Publishing more often will allow you to demolish your competition. You do not want to compete in any industry, you want to DOMINATE and be the best.

When you publish with frequency and with intent, you are not beating your competitors based on simply having more content than them, your content will likely be unique, and something that is original to your business – this is good because you are establishing your domain (or Blue-Ocean), your territory.

This is untouchable territory because no one is going to be able to copy you OR replicate how much action and care you are putting into your content. Even let’s say they somehow do copy you (unlikely considering how most people are not willing to go the extra mile), their content will be unique to them and their business will be unique to them – they will have their Blue Ocean while you will have yours. It’s still a win for you. What’s not a win for you is being lazy.

20. Helps with sales

Finally, why are we in business in the first place? It’s because we have a product that we believe can help people and can take care of people, In exchange, we receive money for our efforts in the form of sales. Marketing with more frequency WILL directly affect the amount of sales you close because simply of the law of averages.

The more action you take in something, the more likely you will have results in that area. The more exposure you receive due to the amount of content/copy you are publishing, the more likely these audiences will convert. It’s simple mathematics.

marques brownlee dsmn8 | DSMN8
Marques Brownlee with Elon Musk

Marques Brownlee, as of December 2021, has over 2.7 billion views and 15 million subscribers on YouTube – he’s one of the most successful tech influencers in the world.

However, his journey did not start this way, in one of his videos he said that his first 100 videos uploaded on YouTube only netted him 73 subscribers and less than 100 views per videos. Can you imagine putting out a hundred videos and having no success come out of it? None.

But he kept at it and eventually he found a home-run hit and is now is one of the most successful Tech influencers in the YouTube space. That is the power of frequency in marketing, it’s simply not optional in this day and age.

Download my free-ebook: “Cash-emails” here.


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