12 Reasons Why All Marketers Must Write Daily

Published by Jeet Tan on

Copy is King

Why all marketers must write daily? In the realm of marketing, it’s the writing that pulls your audiences in. Writing that you see on advertisements is what you would call: copywriting.

Without strong copy, what you will find is that your websites will not convert, your sales will not go up and your boss being an angry man.

With strong copy, you will find that your traffic numbers going up, with a highly engaged audience but most importantly copywriting is not simply about traffic and likes..it’s about the ability to generate active buyers.

What is Copywriting?

Why all marketers must write daily
Writing is a skillset

Copywriting is simply the ability to use your words to ask a viewer to take a specific action which usually ends up with a customer. It’s salesmanship in print.

However, I tell my clients all the time that copywriting is simply not about writing grammatically correct pieces, in fact writing “too well” can actually hurt your sales. The reason? The writing does not engage people, and your audience becomes bored out of their minds. When your audiences feels bored, they do not have the ability to buy from you.

This is why some of the most well-paid copywriters (I’m talking 7-figure and beyond) in the world has given this key piece of advice to “write like a fifth grader.”

I’ve personally been trained by some of the best digital marketers on the planet (that own 8-9 figure businesses in this space) and they all tell me the exact same advice: make your writing as simplified as possible.

That is why good copy must:

  1. Persuade people to take a specific action.
  2. Write with the target audience in mind. Applying empathy tactically.
  3. Convey strong emotions.

However, without practice – you cannot get good at copywriting. It’s very easy to criticize a piece of writing. But if you have not written yourself, then it’s difficult for you to know what to look for and what works. That’s why I recommend all marketers must write daily.

Just like it’s one thing to be watching a soccer game on your television, it’s a whole different ball game to be playing the soccer match yourself in a tournament surrounded by thousands of onlookers.

I believe that all copywriters, should study sales as even though you will not be the front-man to close deals – you are still the front-man to close deals with your words.

Here Are The 12 Reasons Why All Marketers Must Write Daily.

1. Writing daily gives you crucial practice

You cannot get good at anything without practice, the same goes with copywriting. If you are not practicing the skill of writing, then you will not be able to improve your skillset.

2. Writing daily teaches you to come up with new ideas on the spot

When you are writing daily, you are training your brain to come up with new ideas on the spot. You are in a sense forcing your creative juices to flow on command

3. Writing daily as a marketer makes you aware of your own world you live

The world you see is governed by the media.

When you practice your writing skills – you are becoming aware of the medium of how the world is governed, which is from the media.

4. Writing daily helps you upgrade your editing skills

There comes a saying: “If you are not embarrassed by your first draft, you have launched too late.” The magic of writing is that about 80% of your time spent will not be on coming up with a first draft but with the editing process of that draft.

5. Writing daily gives you an opportunity to publish daily

It’s very difficult to publish something when you have nothing to publish. When you are writing daily, you are giving yourself the opportunity to showcase your skills to the world.

6. Writing daily teaches you the art of taking action

Writing by itself is an action. You are taking action. That’s a good thing because you are creating momentum.

7. Writing daily teaches you this ONE important life skill

Copywriting is also not just about selling. It’s about learning a fundamental key part of what it means to be a human being: communication. When you are practicing your writing skills, you are learning the skillset of how to communicate with other human beings.

8. Writing daily helps you to become a creator rather than a consumer

When you are putting things down on paper, you are being a creator of a piece of work.

Fun fact. Did you know that whenever you type something on a piece of paper, that work is automatically copyrighted and no one can plagiarize from you?

9. Writing daily helps you to be passionate about your work

In order to be a good marketer, you have to write with passion. People crave to hear things from passionate people because that is something that the majority desperately lacks.

It’s very hard to write something without having some sort of interest for it, that’s why writing forces you to be passionate about what you are writing about. It forces you to be interested about what you are writing about,

10. Writing daily teaches you how to sell better

Now on to the part that’s related to marketing. Writing everyday will help you sell better. It will teach you how to convey your ideas across to people where they are motivated to buy.

11. Writing daily helps you sharpen your skillset

Similar to point number 1, you are giving yourself practice. But what you may not yet know is that writing is a skillset, something that can be beneficial to other people.

12. Writing daily teaches you about life

Do your ideas come from yourself, or do they come from somewhere beyond ourselves?

The themes of what one writes reflects the deeper meaning of life, even in sales copy where ideas such as hopes, dreams, potential, come up.

When you write, you are connecting yourself to something bigger than yourselves. The themes that one writes about, from preparing a technical article, to selling a software product deal with the day to day struggles of what it means to be human.

That’s why writing teaches you about life, and that is finally why all marketers must write daily.


Copywriting plays an integral part in marketing and it can pay you handsomely if you choose to double down on this skillset.

I am also a strong believer that all strong writers are avid readers. How can you come up with ideas to write about if you have never read a book in your life?

Write more, practice more, and talk every single one of you guys soon.


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