Five Habits You Don’t Know Which Can Increase Your Copy ROI

Published by Jeet Tan on

To business owners and marketing teams. What are the steps you should take to improve your copywriting skill? Here are the five simple steps you can take to improve your copywriting ability so you can generate a higher ROI for your business.

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1. Read a lot

I believe that your reading ability is absolutely related your writing ability. As I have mentioned in one of my previous articles, your writing ability will be directly correlated to how well you understand the subject matter, which was why I said it is absolutely crucial skill to develop “subject matter expertise”(SME).

How do you understand any subject for that matter? Through reading.

When you are reading, you are internalizing word and sentence structures that other writers are using. So, should I read? Anything you can get your hands on.

Books, magazine articles, sales pages, other articles on Google, product descriptions. I’m not talking about mindlessly reading, but taking the time to analyze why the author decided to present his ideas in a certain fashion. Reading and pondering on what you have read is the fast-track way to improving your copy.

2. Hand Copy Proven Ads

This was what one of my marketing mentors taught me, which was to hand copy ads that have generated over a $1million dollars in sales. I’ve done this myself a few times but I also know copywriters that don’t do it as well.

Does it work? It absolutely does in clarifying your thinking.

What I do know is that it helps you register to your subconscious mind the concepts of what makes a successful ad. Remember, since you are hand copying the sale ads on paper, you are allowing your brain to access a higher level of thinking which results in you having a deeper understanding of WHY the writer decides to write in a certain matter.

Hand copy is something that helps you learn the psychology of winning sales ads that will give you insights onto making your next million-dollar home run.

3. Do Writing Exercises

I recently went through three grammar books to improve my written communication, although my English is near native – I believe that there are simply so many things out there still to learn. One of the things that these books have gotten me to do are writing exercises. Writing about a topic just for fun.

You don’t have to publish anything just yet, but picking a topic and just writing about it. It could be in a word document or on paper, but finding a topic and then being able to present your ideas concisely on paper is such an important skill.

4. Have a daily writing habit

Really, the only way you can get good in anything is practicing. Copywriting is no different. What I found the best way to develop a daily writing habit is to start a journal.

I actually got one of my clients to start journaling about her daily thoughts and simply jotting down solutions to any problems that she is having. The results were phenomenal and within a few weeks, her performance in her job drastically increased and not to mention she started to feel happier about her life in general.

Actual image of her journal which she allowed me to share with you (UI/UX Designer)..

I was shocked about the results that journaling has gotten her, until I realized that this was normal. Having a journaling habit helps you be in a higher state of thinking which naturally allows your brain to organize your ideas, and basically anything that is bothering you.

What I’m trying to say is this, journaling can change your life and also help you develop that skill of writing daily. What should I journal, you may ask? Anything. Write anything that comes to your mind.

For me I write about:

  • My challenges.
  • Solutions to those challenges.
  • Plans for my business and how to execute on them.
  • Organizing my schedule is also done on my journal.
  • Goals.
  • Aspirations.
  • Life’s deepest problems.
  • Trivial problems I face.
  • And more..

You can journal about anything, the art of journaling is personal to you. But the point is to develop this habit so it can help you with the copy you write.

5. Start a blog

It’s 2022! Anyone can start a blog, you don’t need to be a blogger to start one. To be honest with you, I believe that blogging is one of the fastest and most effective ways to improve your writing skills, simply because of the fact that you are forced to write an audience that will consume your content.

If you want to get good fast, start blogging on any topic and see how fast your copywriting improves. It definitely has helped with mine.

I recommend first finding a free website builders like WordPress, Blogger or even Wix and start publishing your articles on your website. If you don’t want to start a website, you can still use blogging platforms like Medium, Linkedin and even just social media to share your insights. Start now!

BONUS – Start Selling Products

Copywriting is salesmanship in print, your ability to sell with your words. So, start crafting the words for your own products that you want to sell. This is by far one of the fastest ways to improve your copywriting skill so this was why I left this for last.

Start creating the copy for your own products, and test them out to the marketplace. Most likely they will bomb, but the ones that do well, well now you know which kind of words work best for you.

Don’t underestimate how much you can learn by actually selling what you made, because it’s probably one of the most important skill you can develop in life. Either way, the first sale you must make is with yourself and so it starts from selling your own products with your own copy.


Just like anything in life, there is really no shortcut to get good in writing copy. Practice will be the only thing that makes perfect. It is said that in Malcom Gladwell’s book, “Outliers”, it takes about 10,000 hours for a person to master any skill.

As long as you are putting things down on paper and practicing that writing muscle, you are adding in time onto that 10,000 hour.

Keep writing, keep selling and remember your last mistake lies your best teacher.

If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to check out my free e-book: “Cash-Emails” in which you will have the best marketing templates, I learnt through my mentors, that will allow you write emails that can generate you a couple extra thousand dollars in sales.

The strategies I will be sharing with you in this book are specifically made for email marketing but the templates can be applied onto virtually any platform. Download it through the link above.


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