Scheduling | Copywriting Tips

Published by Jeet Tan on

What’s going on guys, this is Jeet here again. In today’s section I would like to talk about consistency and following a schedule.

Copywriting, especially in direct response is all about consistency. Usually, it’ll not be the first piece of content that will generate sales, but the 5th, 6th or 10th. It’s always better to be consistent in your SCHEDULING than in the quality of writing for the very reason of a psychological trigger called the: “Mere Exposure Effect.”

The “Mere Exposure Effect” states that people are more likely to trust you if they see and hear from you over and over again.

You should never expect to have a home-run campaign only after your first swing but rather after your 5th 6th or 10th swing.  At the same time, we don’t want to put out so much work that your content is considered s***.

Balance of quality and volume is the key.

I would also like to discuss about the theme of focus. There are many avenues of copywriting that you can specialize in: email, social media, paid ads, etc. Usually, one or more of these platforms are helping you generate the bulk of your leads.

This is why it’s imperative to focus on ONE platform to get the best bang for your buck.

Use data analytics to find out which platform is the one that’s helping you generate a more positive response. Unless you have a very big team, and unlimited marketing capital, then this is your best bet, to stay focused on a few platforms for client acquisition. The more content and copy you put out in a focused manner, the better chances you will create in terms of being able to close clients.

Modern Scheduling Tools

I would like to introduce 3 modern scheduling tools that I use to improve my consistency.


I use buffer for social media posts, it helps me be on track with my social media game and gives me an edge over my competition. With buffer, you can automate your posts but also manage your social media pages cross platform i.e. Insta, Facebook, and Linkedin.


Aweber’s content creation interface

For email marketing, I’m mainly focused on Aweber. Aweber allows you to schedule posts at a certain time and helps you keep track of your email’s open rates, clickthrough rates and consistency. Definitely a recommend for those getting started with email marketing. Aweber’s starting plan allows 500 free contacts and 3000 emails/month.

Notion for planning

Example of a content plan (basic)

I highly recommend every marketing teams to put down their SOPs and plans on a note taking app where you can access.

Here are some questions you should record the answers down, in order to gain clarity of what content you’ll be posting, where you’ll be posting and when you’ll be posting:

1// What is the frequency of posting per month.

2// What is my revenue goal, and what is the marketing process that needs to go into it for me to achieve that goal.

3// What is a REALISTIC frequency which I can put out my work on. -> I’m using the word ‘realistic’ because sometimes you don’t have the resources in terms of manpower, skill to be able to pull out the VOLUME of content needed to hit your goal.

If you don’t have volume in a short time frame, then you must increase the time it takes to achieve your goal. A goal can be achieved in a shorter time frame if you have the manpower.

4// What is the platform I’m focusing on?

5// Writing down specific content titles that you’ll be posting at what day including the timeframe it’ll take to produce one piece of content. When you have a strong estimate on time, you can produce good.

Promotion Schedules

There are many promotion schedules which you can follow.  This is of course, dependent on the platform you are using.

  • There’s once a month newsletter.
  • There’s a once a week posting schedule.
  • There’s a 3 time/1 week schedule.
  • And then finally a daily schedule.
  • And for those that are really ambitious, the multiple times per day schedule.

Pick one, and stick with it. It’s better to execute a strategy poorly (e.g. content isn’t up to standard but you stick to a schedule) than wait and put out GOOD content, but you take forever to launch.


Staying consistent will play a more important part than your copywriting game than your quality. First of all, you need VOLUME first before you can get to quality.

You need practice in order to get better.

But as someone that majored in Comp Sci. and have extensive knowledge on product development. Product dev, and marketing are a whole different field. You do not want a company that has a faulty product. You don’t want to use faulty software.

But this concept does not apply to marketing.

Because you are dealing with groups of people, there’s no such thing as a perfect campaign. A 20% CTR is one that’s considered a success, where as a product that is 20% working is considered a failure.

This is the difference with marketing, that you need to be right only 20% of the time. We are playing the game of chances here and probabilities, and the best way to achieve a higher probability is simply to increase your frequency.

If improving your writing skills is all about improving your percentage chance of hitting more sales. Then improving your volume will also improve your closing percentage simply because of the sheer number of times a prospect hears from you, and also the number of prospects you can reach potentially.

I hope you guys have learnt something today and have a nice day.

If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to check out my free e-book: “Cash-Emails” in which you will have the best marketing templates, I learnt through my millionaire mentors, that will allow you write emails that can generate you a couple extra thousand dollars in sales. The strategies I will be sharing with you in this book are specifically made for email marketing but the templates can be applied onto virtually any platform. Download it through the link below.


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