How To Live In Abundance

Published by Jeet Tan on

The world as you see today is living in a mindset of scarcity. With Bill Gates and various people in power talking about depopulation, to Elon Musk talking about going to Mars instead of focusing on developing what is here on this planet.

This leads us to the burning question:

“Do we truly have enough on this planet?”

There is enough food and water to feed the whole planet for lifetimes to come.

There is enough women for every single guy out there and enough guys for every single women out there.

There is enough friends for everyone to have a good time, in a planet with 7 billion people in it there should be no excuse for anyone to feel lonely yet we are facing a loneliness epidemic.

There is enough money in the world for everyone on this planet to become a millionaire. There is no reason why the top 10% of people on this planet has more than the bottom 90%. Money is infinite in theory, if there is not enough money in circulation, simply the banks will print more of it, So not having money in this world is also an illusion.

So why exactly do we see so much scarcity in the world? It is because scarcity is a mindset.

If you want to understand abundance, we must first understand what is scarcity..

What Is Scarcity?

Whatever you perceive creates your reality. If you perceive something that is lack, you will attract lack, if you perceive something is abundant, you attract abundance. Scarcity is simply the mindset that is the opposite of abundance.

Here are some example of scarcity-based mindsets.

1. An Overly Competitive Mindset

The majority of people see this world as a competition, black and white, I win, and you lose. You lose or I win. That is a mentality that will not get you far.

Is there competition in this world, loads. But it does not mean if you win in something, I have to lose in something.

A person that is constantly in a “competition” mindset is comparing themselves with others, in terms of where they stand in the pecking order. Compared that to a person in cooperation is always out there to give, and trusting that it will one day come back in return.

A person that has a competitive mindset sees the world as a dog eat dog world, and ultimately it’s self destructive and goes against the nature of how this world should operate.

I’m also not endorsing for everyone to not be competitive. Healthy doses of competition and rivalry is very beneficial for society however what I am talking about with a “competitive” mindset is an overly obsessiveness to cut other people down.

2. Believing The World Has Limited Resources

People that think resources are limited will always have an overly competitive mindset. It’s a constant never ending struggle that comes from a needy state of mind.

A lack of resource is simply not true, with the Earth being just a 0.0000001% of a speck in the entire galaxy while the known universe is probably also a 0.0000001% of what is out there in the unseen universe, to say that we are limited is simply a program that has been put unto you in society.

Reality is infinite.

Resources are infinite, if there is something you don’t have in your life, what do you do? You buy more of it. If there is not enough money, what do we do? The bank prints more of it.

It’s simply not true that our Earth has lack of resources when it has always been here for how many hundreds of thousands of years.

You do not lack resources, you lack resourcefulness. The Earth is such a beautiful and abundant planet, and there is room for everyone to strive.

So how do we live in abundance?

Which leads us to another burning question..

“How do we live in abundance”.

Let me explain, living in abundance is simply to change your mindset, to change your thought patterns. You can live in abundance right now! Here are some example of abundance mindsets in terms of specific situations.

1. Abundance Of People

As you go about life, there will be people that are there with you for a while, for a season and for a lifetime. Sometimes, there are people that have served their purpose with you and need to be let go, and I am not saying this in a way that you use people like objects, but you must always be willing to walk away from any relationship.

This goes especially the people that do not respect who you are, your boundaries or your values. Let them go, wish them luck, and walk away. People are an abundant resource — as long as you have the social skills, you can always meet new people.

Personally for me, I like to hang out with people secure in themselves, contribution focused and inspiring. I don’t like to hang out with insecure people, narcissistic and depressed people. Life is too short for that, no one owes you anything in this life and you don’t owe anyone anything. Hang out with people that lift you out.

Having standards is also a sign of abundance because you will not put up with bulls*** and you can do that because you know there are other people better and a right fit for you out there.

2. Abundance Of Opportunity

If a project is not working out and doesn’t seem to be going where you want it, shut it down and start a new one. There is an infinite number of opportunities for you to start new projects.

A project bombed? No worries, start a new one. You lost your job? Find a new one. There’s an abundance of that as well. You can never really fail in this life, I believe the only true failure is when The Creator says your time is up on this planet, and then you die, that is probably the only time you “fail”. But other than that, all failures are feedback and opportunities to practice abundance.

3. Abundance Of Communities

There are an infinite amount of communities, groups and movements that you can take part in. Throughout my life, I have moved schools multiple times and moved to many different countries, some groups were a blessing to me but some groups did not end up so well. But what I thought was the end of my friends circle made me my find new people that were a better fit for me and even life long friends.

Don’t let rejection get to you. In fact, celebrate rejection because it simply means that there is something 10x better out there. From experience, the girls I dated in high school compared to the girls I am seeing right now are exponentially so different in terms of beauty, mindset and personality. Same with finance, same with opportunities and same with my quality of life. Life gets better as you grow older, and as you acquire more experience, I truly believe that.

Steps To Take To Develop Abundance

Abundance is a mindset, but it is also a way of being. It is the way you act, every time you are acting and taking action in something, you are telling the universe that you are abundant. I never subscribed to the belief, that you have limited opportunities in your life, limited time in your life or limited. You can always start again, always.

1. Let Go Of People That Do Not Serve You

I make this such a point about people in this article because from my experience, one bad apple can ruin the bunch. If there are people that after you spend time with them, makes you feel depressed, confused, makes you feel small. Cut them out and move on.

I know it sounds harsh, but we as human beings are a communal species, so we will always be psychologically somewhat reliant on the group for survival. If you have people with toxic mindsets, people that gaslight you, just let them go and find new people.

Here are types of people that can ruin your life.

→Bad communicators. Bad communicators can’t communicate their thoughts properly. Every time there is a conflict, they either go out of their way to attack you and burn you down or they shut down. Conflict is a part of life, there will be times where people do not get a long, that is fine but you want to find people willing to talk things to a resolution.

→Insecure people. I’d say to stay away from insecure people. They do not know themselves, and although they are not destructive in nature many are two-faced in nature. It stems from them not knowing themselves and owning their own personal power.

So they compensate by trying to “be someone they are not”, or to make others feel small because they themselves have not taken the time to get to know themselves. They are takers and not givers. They can say one thing, the one day, and do something else the other day — you don’t know where they truly stand with you.

→Cluster B personality types. These are the narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths. Their energy is destructive in nature and to cause in violence. Look for people’s behavior, and not what they say because these people are very subtle in their demeanor, outward very charming and charismatic but inside, raving wolves. Look at what people do and how they treat others. Do they treat them with respect and dignity, or are they just there to tear them down overtly or covertly.

2. Practice An Attitude Of Gratitude

They say that having an attitude of gratitude is what makes all the difference. As long as you are grateful and rich in your heart, the riches will come to you.

You don’t have to have everything you want now, but be grateful for what you have and what you have accomplished. The truth is, no matter how good you are, there is always someone in a better position than you and there is also someone in a far worst position than you. It’s a game that you can never beat, that’s why it’s important to cultivate happiness right now.

And because you cultivate happiness in the present, things will naturally come to you, people gravitate towards you and opportunities naturally open up — it’s because you are in a state of abundance, a state of gratitude and a state of happiness.

Don’t let the small stuff get to you, life is short and you want to make the most of it. Living in abundance is your birthright. You were truly born rich in this world.

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