Personal development will change the world

Published by Jeet Tan on

I believe personal development will change this world.

It is through integration of technology and personal development that will bring in a bright future for this planet.

Although one could say that the personal development industry is that full of charlatans, fake-gurus and such.

The overall impact of personal development on the human psyche is usually more good than bad.

Improving an aspect of your life requires commitment, dedication and hard work.

There are usually two types of people, those who let others sway them and those that write their own destiny.

Personal development is the second person.

You want to be the second type of person. However, success is not something that is normal in today’s society.

To be successful, you have to go against the grain, and stand out, and it simply isn’t wired in our DNA to do so because our human brain is there to keep us safe.

Personal development deals directly with rewiring our brain. Without the mindset to go out there and achieve things, you can never succeed.

Let me share with you my best personal development principles that have served me well for the past 26 years.

The 3 Timeless Personal Development Principles

  1. The past does not exist. Let it go.

Clinging to the past is a human behavior, especially if you have had a lot of good memories. But it is time to let it go. Whatever success you had in the past, does not guarantee future success.

I always tell myself: “The past does not exist”, only the present and where I am going does. Forget about the past.

Forget about your childhood, because it does not matter how bad or good your childhood was, or how you badly you were abused or how you were the prom king/queen, or how this person did this to you and that, what only matters is what are you going to do about it.


Past does not exist, doesn’t matter you had good memories OR bad memories. Let it all go and focus on your vision, your present and what you are BECOMING instead of what you WERE.

2. Learn how to deal with setbacks

Success is 80% psychology and 20% what you know.


It’s because your mindset will determine how you deal with setbacks.

The bigger goal you have, the more setbacks you will have. Your ability to deal with setbacks will determine your altitude towards where you go.

Your persistence in front of adversity will determine how far you go.

Your ability to keep going despite criticism from friends, family and peers will determine how far you go.

All of this collates with your mindset and how well you can utilize your mindset.

I would highly suggest anyone to invest in reading books. Studies have shown that books rewire your brain. What you consume becomes you. Here are my top 5 books for developing mindset.

1 – Willpower Instinct -> Great book in learning your limits of your psychology.

2 – Tony Robbins Awaken The Giant -> Classic self help book, teaches you decision making, NLP and how to deal with failure.

3 -7 Habits of Highly Effective People -> Another self-help classic.

4 – Mastery by George Leonard -> Teaches you how to be patient despite a steep learning curve.

5 – Atomic Habits. Atomic habits was written by James Clear who was hit by a freak baseball accident that left him crippled with brain damage. When you hear people that have overcame obstacles, and I mean physical challenges that basically make you a cripple and come out on top, open your ears and listen.

3. See things through to the end

I used to have a very bad habit of not being able to focus. However, in order to be successful, you must learn the art of focusing on one thing until completion.

Tell yourself, discipline yourself, to whenever you start a project, you will finish it before starting something new.

Do not build new bridges when you have not completed any.

In Gary Keller’s book: “The One Thing”, one of my biggest takeaways is his scheduling system in which you should have multiple priorities in your task list but only one focus, and it makes sense..

The present is the only thing that exists right now, and since humans are really bad in multitasking, there is only ONE THING for you to do at this moment.

Train yourself to focus and reap the rewards of it.

My Concluding Message

As technology increases, I see an integration of personal development & technology into our lives.

Apps such as Calm, the iPhone itself and the e-learning online facilities are example of personal development and technology integration.

Personal development is what I believe should have been taught in school because personal development is at its core, learning how to learn.

Life is all about learning.

When you know how to deal with life’s setbacks, hardships and battles, you know how to be resourceful within yourself to find solutions to your problems. You truly become a self-reliant man/women.

That’s the goal of life. Self-actualization. To reach one’s full potential. To reach one’s full potential, you may never reach that potential in one lifetime but it’s important to go all out because our time here is limited.

The majority of problems in the world you see is that of a mental sickness. It’s not because the world is “poor” or “unfair” that we have these problems. But it’s that people think it is and so they manifest that unto their reality.

The world is abundant with resources and talent, the only thing people lack is the resourcefulness. We can blame the failure of the education system for that, which only trains good employees but not good entrepreneurs.

We need more entrepreneurs in the world, problem solvers, builders and storytellers — more workers will not solve any of the world’s problems. Entrepreneurship truly starts from personal development and knowing oneself.

I hope you were able to receive value from my writing here and if you found this article useful, be sure to share it with a friend.

If you are interested, be sure to check out my business: “Jeet Tan Copywriting” — I use this to help life coaches & personal development influencers to earn more money through their email lists.


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