The Blind Copywriter

Published by Jeet Tan on

Imagine walking into a room, it’s pitch black, without a torch, you struggle as you fumble your way to find your way out.

Except you don’t know where the door’s at, you’re completely lost in regards to where you are.  

This is the example of a blind copywriter.

Now imagine you suddenly have been given of a map of area you are at, a locator that tells you exactly where you’re at, and a bunch of hints that tell you how to get out.

That’s what it’s like to not be a blind copywriter. When you’re blind as a copywriter, you’re operating with zero information and zero direction.

This is very dangerous for any copywriter or business owner because you don’t know what target you’re supposed to hit, where you’re going and where you’re at.

What Does Being Blind Mean?

As business owners, you never want to blind. So what does it mean to be blind, I would define it as simply operating without any information.

The most dangerous thing you can do is to assume and make assumptions without any concrete data to back yourself up.

What does this have to do with marketing/writing copy? Everything.

You must first operate within the confines of data. Data such as conversion rate, traffic, cost per acquisition, customer life time value. These are all metrics that give you an idea of the health of any business.

Your job when writing copy is to improve these metrics by identifying areas that need improvement.

You must also TRACK your efforts; you improve what you’re able to track. But never operate blindly, when you operate without information, you’ll feel very lost.

Tracking means understanding the process-oriented result you want to accomplish as well as the steps that’s required to take.

Be obsessed with data, because data is how you measure progress. Data is not about numbers on the screen as a stereotypical look on it will see. Instead, I want you to see data as knowledge on your current progression.

What will happen if you continue being blind

There are consequences of being a blind copywriter:

  • Operating under dangerous, blind optimism. Rather than fact.
  • You’ll may be run solely based on your creativity without actually being run by results.
  • Inconsistent results throughout a long period of time.
  • The feeling of constantly banging your head against the wall.
  • Trouble staying competitive as competitors adopt modern digital marketing practices.
  • Inability to understand customers and how they interact with your brand.
  • Poor personalization. As I’ve mentioned many times in my blog posts, you have to personalize your message to your ideal customers. But if you cannot see the response, then how are you going to personalize something?

As you can see, being blind has its disadvantages so how do you exactly restore your eyesight?

How to Restore Your 20/20 Vision?

Knowledge and data are the answer.

You restore your eyesight as a copywriter by looking what is actually in front of you, the actual data. The actual results, and you get brutally honest with yourself with how well you’re doing.

There’s no shame is where you are, so take a look at the data, because once you have the data in place, you’re able to move forward to the place where you want to be.

Block out time per day to analyze your current situation and taking in the pros and cons of what’s going on. Don’t blindly take action, take action only once there’s a plan.

Have a plan, a blind copywriter is a copywriter that’s operating without a plan. Chances are, if you’re a copywriter without a plan – you’ll not have a way to help scale a business. You want to formulate a plan onto how to grow your revenue.

Also learn from people that are better than you. I disagree with the notion of “listening to feedback” because you need to be very discreet with who you take feedback from.

Some people may have good intentions for you, but they are simply inexperienced to give you any strong feedback. Learn from people that are clearly more experienced in what you are doing and have a proven track record of success.

Observe what they are doing, why they do it, how they do it, and reverse engineer their success.

If you haven’t already begun tracking, then start tracking your progress. Data collection takes time, yes. The data that you’re looking for may be not be available now, but only a month from now. For example, traffic. But it’s important to begin the process to track your progress.

Marketing requires you to have a long-term goal in mind,  as well as an overarching vision of what you want to achieve with your marketing campaign. For example, you want to have a 20% conversion rate increase in the next 3 months is a goal. But how can you exactly do that if you don’t know what’s your current conversion rate and the reasons why this current conversion rate is happening.

Everything has a reason, and not as a cliché quote. As someone in marketing. You want to remain curious as to why the results are the way they are.

Always ask yourself the question “why is this happening”, then ask that question again and again until you get to the first principles – the fundamentals onto why things are occurring the way they are.

Once you can see things at a fundamental level, you’re able to audit these processes to hopefully obtain a different result in a future data.

You will not be able to reach first principles without concrete data. Think of data like history, have you ever heard of the quote “those that don’t learn from history are bound to repeat its mistakes.”

When you can learn from past data, you are able to derive better future decisions from it. I would argue that any business owner that has a strong handle on its data will be able to make 7-figures in their company easily.

Great copywriters understand their current situation and are able to formulate a plan based on that. You need both, having data without a plan is bad, but so is having a plan without understanding where you are and the things you need to do to get there.

If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to check out my free e-book: “Cash-Emails” in which you will have the best marketing templates, I learnt through my millionaire mentors, that will allow you write emails that can generate you a couple extra thousand dollars in sales. The strategies I will be sharing with you in this book are specifically made for email marketing but the templates can be applied onto virtually any platform. Download it through the link below.


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