How to Do Business with Chinese People?

Published by Jeet Tan on

As a Malaysian-Chinese, I feel qualified to speak in this topic because this is the culture, I’ve grown up with my family business, seeing how many relatives do business, etc.

Doing business in the blood of a Chinese person. From the conversations in the dinner table to meeting with friends, a big conversation that comes up is money and business.

I’ve always heard about this since I was young. If you didn’t know, many Chinese grew up extremely poor. It’s only recently that China has been booted up into the global sphere.

Therefor many Chinese people still have the feeling of being poor in their mind, even though they may have millions in the bank. That’s why you may notice a Chinese person’s behavior may be considered weird to an outsider – an overemphasis on making money, lack of care in outside appearance, cheap stuff, breaking rules.

This is all caused by the poverty that’s still inside many Chinese people’s minds. But because of this poverty stems a desire for success and to be the top.

(1) Focus on results

Don’t worry about the process. We only care what you can do and if you’re able to do it.

(2) Don’t waste time, don’t be useless.

These are the two words that I hear a lot: “don’t waste time and don’t be useless” Chinese society is fast-paced, cut-throat and extremely competitive. Therefor we don’t have time for bull****.

(3) Be direct, straight to the point

Don’t beat around the bush, talk business. Be as direct as possible. Of course, within respectful boundaries.

(4) Develop relationships

As part of Asian-culture, we still put an emphasis on relationships. Deals although can be done quick, but we want to develop the relationship first before we proceed any further.

(5) Understand Chinese emphasis on speed

In Chinese business, speed is everything. Above quality, we value speed of delivery of results and getting things done fast. You may notice that many Chinese are extremely impatient.

(6) Practicality

We want to know that there is practicality with what you’re selling. We don’t care about the prestige, we just want to know that it works and has the most affordable price.

(7) Understanding “Face”

This goes with all East Asians, not just Chinese. But being respectful, not insulting directly to people and treating people well can go a long way.

(8) Be polite & respectful

Not raising your voice. Being humble and avoiding sensitive topics can help you gain some brownie points when dealing with the Chinese

Overall, doing business with the Chinese can be challenging as there are still a ton of nuances that I have not covered yet. But as China is opening up its country for global trade, investments and business – I believe you’ll be dealing with more and more Chinese as you continue your entrepreneurship journey.

Not all Chinese people are alike, and so I don’t want to also make generations here. As with all matters, experience plays a huge role in the success of your endavour. Good luck.

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Categories: business


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