My personal take on where the world is headed.

Published by Jeet Tan on

There are many things that are being brought to the forefront of our world in 2024. With the 2024 US election coming up, a convicted felon vs a man that cannot string together two sentences. I believe the fate of the USA will decide the fate in the world. As the economic powerhouse of the world, USA holds a big influence over global events.

World politics, and world events absolutely affect businesses all around the world.

For many, the pandemic has hit their businesses very badly which has forced many to pivot their companies onto digital. Moving on, we had the war in the Ukraine/Russia and the current ongoing Palestine/Israel conflict.

These have made many people fearful and thus their spending habits more frugal. These are some examples of global events that shape consumer behavior. I’ll be listing some global trends that I believe will be happening throughout 2024 and beyond.

Expect tourism speeding up

If you haven’t noticed, there’s been just an abundance of tourism in many places around the world. Especially here in Asia, I’ve been noticed a huge intake of travelers here. As the tourism industry has been hit really bad during the COVID-19 pandemic, expect the tourism industry to have a bounce back.

Depression, poor mental health issues

People are being more open about topics such as mental health. Around the world, lots have really been struggling in this regard, and the past 4 years have shown this gap. Personal development will be a field that offers solutions for mental health.

A part from deep psychological disorders, an unsound mind can always be resolved through mindset training, emotional release and creating a purpose.

Mental health professionals, personal development coaches are going to be more in demand as even the average person may need therapy after the traumatic events that’s happened through the past 3 years.

World War 3?

If you’ve been following my content for a while. You will know that no topic is too taboo to discuss. Will we end up in a nuclear war by the end of 2024, or will humanity be saved? The global politics in the world is at an all-time instability since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Perhaps we’ll all blow ourselves up. Perhaps we’ll be just fine and I’m just fear mongering. But a doomsday scenario is still not too far out there. Let’s hope that this doesn’t happen.

Technology & AI

The acceleration of AI is undoubtedly the hot bed topic, as every company out there is talking about it. Will AI take over our jobs, or will it not? I believe that AI will definitely be integrated into our daily lives more as time passes.

As this pace continues, there’ll be more in demand for people that understand technology and can translate this expertise to the masses.

Protecting Yourself from a Economic Downturn

Many analysts have predicted that we’re headed for a depression worse than that of 1930. So how do we protect ourselves from this.

Well, I believe it starts with fixing your mindset for business. Expect things to be harder, more challenging. This is going to be a part of the world that we’re living in moving forward from now. Prepare for tough times and we’ll have good times. Prepare for good times, and we’ll have tough times.

Elimination of Poverty?

Poverty is still widespread amongst Southeast Asian countries and many countries around the world. What’s the cause of poverty. I’m not sure myself, but my first guess would be the lack of access to education. The lack of access to the right network and just the mindset in general.

I believe however with the advent of the internet, anyone with a cheap phone can access information that can help enrich themselves. Perhaps one day in the future, knowledge will help enlighten other people and the world.

Big Bad World or Bright Future?

The world where it’s going is still not certain. But I believe we, as a human species is at a turning point. Will we suffer absolute destruction, or will we be redeemed and to grow into a new age where there is no poverty, no fighting and no reign of terror.

That’ll be up to us to decide as a group.

Categories: Uncategorized


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