0 to 100 vs 100 to 10,000

Published by Jeet Tan on

Have you ever heard of the saying: “your first sale is the hardest.”

Why does this phenomenon happen. Where your first sale is the hardest. Your first view is the hardest. Your first milestone is the hardest.

This is because of the law of compounding. Where whatever you have, you will have more off. But the less you have it, the more of the lack you will manifest.

This goes the same for business. It’s always the same where the first post is the hardest. The first 100 is the hardest. But the subsequent posts seem very easy. This is because when you’re first starting out, you don’t know the process. In fact, you know nothing. So the process you go through in order to get to baseline is much more difficult.

Going from 0 to anything is harder than going from say a 100 to a 10,000. That’s why I always recommend to just start because if you’re starting from nothing, you need to have momentum going. But once you’re working with a base, it’s much easier to get the ball rolling.

There can be multiple reasons why this phenomenon exists. Firstly, it’s hardest to land your first sale because you have no previous knowledge to back up what you’re doing.

Second reason is because you don’t have any momentum on your side. Marketing is all about momentum, there are times where momentum is stopped, and there are times where momentum is gained.

You should be aiming to always create momentum whenever you can.

However, when going to a 100 to 10,000. You already have a base to work with, whenever you have a base, anything is more possible than going from nothing to something.

Your expectation should be that your first 100 will be your hardest, because you’re acting of nothing. But after that, it’ll be smooth sailing.


  • Expectation – expect the first 100 to be hard, harder than you expect. It takes time to get the ball rolling. And the amount you invest to the result you receive will be completely disproportionate.
  • After getting the initial sales – After you have achieved your initial success, you will notice that your subsequent processes and sales will be much easier.

This concept of 0 to 100 is hardest and 100 to 10,000 is easier can be also seen not only in the grand picture of business but for the little things. The first sale of the day is the hardest for example, or the first content you post of the week is the hardest.

Everything that’s a “first” is harder than anything that’s “last.” So is this the excuse to give up and do nothing? No, this is the sign to double down on what you’re doing and to toughen up because things may get rough. This first sets a realistic expectation of what’s going on and also prepares you for taking action into the unknown.

So go out there, achieve the first post, the first sale, the first success. And even if it’s small, be proud of it because it’s a major stepping stone into many more things.

Categories: business

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Let’s Talk About Ideas in Marketing - Jeet Tan Copywriting · July 3, 2024 at 1:48 am

[…] posts, we have very unique posts like how to market to Japanese people, marketing mindsets like creating “nothing from something”, things that you wouldn’t find on a generic plain digital marketing blog where they are more […]

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