What is Conscious Copywriting?

Published by Jeet Tan on

What is conscious copywriting? A field that’s currently gaining pace & popularity is the spirituality field. Talking about topics such as consciousness, psychedelics, meditation and religion.

In the past, knowledge such as these will have to be gained through accessing a church, monetary or otherwise a holy place.

However, in recent years, the ideas of spirituality have been widespread because of the internet. Although this movement has always been a fringe movement, in recent years as people received an abundance of money and material things. After having their material needs fulfilled, people have begun to question about the deep spiritual purpose of their lives.

Thus “conscious content” has been created to fill this need. I believe that every human being out there is put on this Earth for a reason, to play an important purpose. However, most people do not find this purpose as they are lost in materialism.

Spirituality as a guide helps people gain access to their subconscious and to help them become who they really are: which comes from love and consciousness.

Abstract ideas such as these would not have been able to spread a few hundred years ago. But with the countless conflicts around the world, social issues, I believe people are seeking inner peace within themselves. They want to see peace in the world.

Regardless of your spiritual or material belief, I believe conscious copywriting is here to help people be at more peace with themselves. To find their purpose in life, and to ultimately live a happy life.

We have only one life after all, and guides, knowledge and ideologies such as spirituality help us return to inner peace. The internet has helped accelerated this pace, helping people access these revolutionary ideas from all around the world.

Here are the traits of conscious copywriting:

  1. Ethical benefits
  2. Non-salesy
  3. Aware of global issues
  4. Contribution & community oriented

Hot bed topics in the conscious copywriting field:

  1. The Great Awakening
  2. Conspiracy theories
  3. Near Death Experiences
  4. Law of Attraction
  5. Enlightenment
  6. Quantum physics/Einstein’s theory of relativity
  7. Many worlds theory
  8. Personal development
  9. Coaching/mentoring field

These are some of the niches that conscious copywriting covers. As a business opportunity, I believe you really got to be passionate about this field to get into it, because the money is competitive, requiring a lot of hustle and collaboration at the same time.

However, people in this niche really want to see a change into other people’s lives. I, myself want to see a change in the world. But that requires not simply just having these ideas and enriching ourself with knowledge. The knowledge and wisdom of consciousness has to be spread towards other people so that they can reap the benefits of it.

We live in a world where everyone has enough. Lack is just as illusion. Conscious copywriting helps awaken us from the slumber to see all of us for who we really are.. brothers and sisters of this world.

Anyways, that’s conscious copywriting at a basis 101 level. I hope you enjoyed this short post.


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