Which Drugs Should All Startup CEOs Use?

Published by Jeet Tan on

Which drugs do CEOs use? Cocaine? Meth? Speed? Nitrous Oxide?

No. We’re not talking about the hard drugs here. I’m talking about business enhancing drugs. Which business enhancing drugs should all CEOs use?

Elon Musk has been heard using drugs while on his job like Ketamine and Cannabis. Although this has sparked concerns of whether his 13,000 jobs may be at risk. With its mind-opening properties, could drugs be used for creativity and high performance?

Perhaps… but that’s not the topic here, let’s talk about the top 5 SAFE drugs that all startup CEOs should use.

The topic of today is about the use of safe drugs for CEOs, drugs that can be found in your everyday life. These are drugs that can help medicate the symptoms of stress and lack of a direction.

***Before we begin, I would like to add a disclaimer that this post is for entertainment purposes only and we do not advocate or endorse any drug of therapy contained in this publication nor do we diagnose any potential patients.

All content on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, we will not assume responsibility for the accuracy or applicability of any advice or information shared. **

#1 Caffeine

Caffeine is a CEOs best friend. That’s why you see a lot of people going to coffee shops in the morning, getting their shot of latte before going off to work. Caffeine is the drug of choice for people that have pulled out all-nighters or people that are doing night shifts.

Caffeine is also good for keeping you going when you feel demotivated. Ever felt that there are times during the day where you just can’t take it anymore, downing a cup of coffee is a great way to remedy that. Though do be aware of the crash that happens a few hours after.

#2 Reading

Did you know that the average CEO reads about 60 books per year? Reading is the best drug for the mind. You’re feeding your mind with knowledge. Studying content, reading podcast, feeding your mind with positive mindsets is a staple for any business owner.

This is because you always want to be expanding your knowledge for your own self betterment and improvement. This can help you identify new business opportunities that you would otherwise miss if you were not open to new ideas. Reading also helps you practice concentration, and helps you see ideas in an organized way.

#3 Having a good diet

Having a good diet is the best drug for the body. I mean eating clean, lowering your cholesterol and making sure that you’re cutting down on sugar and junk food.

I recommend eating an Alkaline based diet full of plant-based foods to keep your body lean and ready for action. When the medicine you put into your body (food) is of good quality, you will not experience energy problems that would otherwise haunt you if the fuel that you put in your body is of low quality.

#4 Meditation

Forbes has found that 22% of employers will offer mindfulness training. As our mind is being cluttered every day, meditation helps let go of the stress and pressure to be something in the future.

Meditation is the ultimate drug for the mind. Research shows that meditation can help enhance your mood, promote healthy body rhythm and improve your body functions. Ultimately, the core of meditation is that it’s teaching you how to be present in the body, and not too focused on the future or the past.

This is absolutely needed in terms of a high-performance position such as a CEO because you want to be always focused on the issues that are at hand, rather than too far away where you cannot reach.

#5 Exercise

Another great drug for CEOs is exercising. Keeping your body healthy, because a healthy body means a healthy mind.

Taking up a light sport, jogging or doing swimming can do wonders for the mind. When the mind is alert through the drug of exercise, you’ll be able to get more done, and more efficiently throughout the day.

Our body is meant to be active, to do things and exercise helps simulate that need.

#6 Sleep

Sleep is a drug? Yes, it’s a drug, because it can be addicting. Sleep is needed for any human being, not just CEOs but CEOs need to make sure that they’re getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night. It’s recommended for founders to set a bedtime plan and to stick with it.

It’s can be seen in startup culture that it’s good to pull all-nighters and to “hustle till your eyes bleed” but that will result in burnout and mental illness. Making sure you get your 7-9 hours of sleep at appropriate hours is crucial in keeping your circadian rhythm in check.

Drugs all CEOs should avoid

#1 Alcohol

Credits to Freepik, photo by tirachardz

Alcohol is a big killer. It’s the most dangerous and most used drug in the world. The risk of using alcohol include heart disease, liver disease and early cancer.

I get it, it’s great to be social. But let’s keep alcohol consumption to a minimum, getting tipsy sometimes is fine but not too much. Too much partying and getting drunk can ruin your career.

#2 Tobacco

This is another drug I believe everyone should avoid. Smoking can cause early lung disease by damaging your airways. Tobacco contains the harmful chemical: Nicotine can contribute to hardening of the arterial walls, which may cause a premature heart attack. Very dangerous.


These are the 5 SAFE drugs that all CEOs should use, you probably thought that I would be listing the hard drugs, but that will be non-compliant here. Anyways, with all seriousness, the drugs, the medicines that help use operate at the highest level can be found naturally or within your backyard.

Don’t need to look out there, vaccinate yourself with these amazing drugs – caffeine, reading, diet, exercise, meditation and sleep.

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