Quick Tip. Actually, Give A S*** About Other People

Published by Jeet Tan on

Empathy. The emotion that bounds all human together. We, as human beings are able to work together in tribes because we have the trait of what we call in empathy.

Unlike animals, we have the ability to intuit what another fellow human being needs or wants. This is our superpower.

If you don’t have empathy and you’re in digital marketing, you’re in for a tough ride, because your job is all about empathizing with your customers.

In order to influence other people, you must be empathetic to their struggles, their hopes, their dreams and how you can position yourself to help them.

JTC – Why Entrepreneurs Choose To Work with Me

At JTC, we’re all about freedom. I know what’s it like to not be free, as a child – I was born into a family with strict parents. My school was about getting the best grades and getting to a top uni.  In the middle of the process, I kind of cracked which was during my university years. And went full rebellious mode.

I wasn’t always the kind of person that liked to do drugs, drink and party. But I definitely stopped putting up with other people telling me what to do. This was what attracted me to the digital marketing field, and entrepreneurship. It allowed me the freedom to pursue what I want, when I want, with who I want. I’M the person that’s responsible for my income.

I’m sure it’s the same with you, if you’re an entrepreneur – there’s something inside of you that knows something is wrong with this world. The way that things are done can always be done better, and you know you can be that change. This is why I love working with other entrepreneurs, we share a similar ideology, a similar thinking and a similar desire for freedom.

But do you see with this example, I attract my customers based on how I can empathize with people’s situations. Their deep need for freedom, and me being able to be a solution to that.

Vulnerability In Marketing

A bit of vulnerability goes a long way. Sharing a personal story, a personal struggle. Like for example, I struggled with video game addiction growing up. There has been many of my clients that experienced the same thing, because they can relate to me, they can work with me.

But don’t fake it.

You can’t fake empathy, you really got to give a s*** about other people. You can’t influence people if you’re a psychopath or a sociopath, contrary to popular belief. You can bullshit people for a while, but if people realize their best interests are not taken care off, they’ll jump ship very quickly.

Problem – Solution Mindset

Most business owners out there think like this. How can I get money out of my clients. The MAXIMUM amount of money as possible. I understand that this is a cornerstone of living, we need money to live.

But you also need to be able to solve people’s problems. What is the main reason why people are paying you? It’s because they want their problems solved. So be a solutions maker, but that requires also giving a s*** about people’s problems, and how you can help them solve it through you.

If you can do that, a lot of doors will open to you that you otherwise won’t be able to open. But that requires a bit of empathy. My mentor once told me this..people don’t care how much you’ve achieved until they know how much you care about them.

If you are in an industry that perhaps you don’t really give a s*** then perhaps it’s time to change industry, there’s a ticking time bomb on your head. I believe you cannot really succeed unless you have a passion to help people solve a specific problem. Keep this message in mind and good luck on your journey.

If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to check out my free e-book: “Cash-Emails” in which you will have the best marketing templates, I learnt through my millionaire mentors, that will allow you write emails that can generate you a couple extra thousand dollars in sales. The strategies I will be sharing with you in this book are specifically made for email marketing but the templates can be applied onto virtually any platform. Download it through the link below.


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