Mindset Training: Competition vs Cooperation

Published by Jeet Tan on

The traditional mode of business is all about competition, it’s all about destroying your competitors and being the top dog.

I understand that this is the way things have been done for the past hundreds of years, but I challenge you to know that there is another mode of doing business.

And this mode is done on the basis of cooperation and sharing ideas.

We need to see that money is everywhere, there is no shortage of money. If money runs out, the government simply prints it.

The Earth is abundant with resources, and outside the Earth, the universe is absolutely infinite.

So why does 7 billion people around the world need to compete for the lack of resources? When the pie is big enough for everyone to have a slice?

I believe it’s important to shift your mindset to that of an abundance mindset. As money is all about the mindset, you need to tune yourself to a higher frequency by changing your relationship with money.

I try to share my best ideas all the time with other people.

“But won’t other people copy it or use it?”

Well firstly, the implementation of ideas is a different story than just having an idea. HOW I implement anything is still going to be unique to me while another person may use my idea and implement it in a different way.

Second, when I share knowledge with other people. First, I’m giving people a gift by sharing my ideas, I’m helping them in some way. This has the possibility to build a future partnership. Second, sharing my best ideas helps me the most because I’m refining the idea in my head and learning the most. When you teach something to someone, it’s not the student that’s learning the most – it’s actually the teacher.

Thirdly, when I’m sharing things with other people it’s a signal to the universe at large that I have enough right now. If I don’t have enough, why would I share things with other people.

Finally, I want you to see that your ideas are not unique. We should not so attach to them, they come from the world at large, your ideas are probably inspired by something else in your environment. It did not come from you in the end of the day, the best ideas must flow.

In my business, this was the exact method how I got my first 14 clients. I shared great ideas with CEOs and top executives of small to mid-sized companies. They liked my ideas and wanted to hire me to do the job. Did some people take my ideas and disappear? Absolutely, but eventually the karma comes back to me and I get the gig.

When we’re so scared of competition, we’re not focusing on the thing that’s making your business run in the first place. Which are customers. I’m not afraid to give my work away for free. First, it’s not there’s anything special with my work. It’s just work. But I believe that if someone likes my free work, they’re going to be happy with my paid work.

In the end of the day, in business, you’re GIVING people something. A product, a service in exchange for money. So the more you give, the more you’re going to get back.

Here are some other mindset shifts you can make:

1 – Opportunities are everywhere, a no today can become a yes tomorrow.

2 – Money is everywhere.

3 – Business is 80% psychology and 20% action. Your mindset is very important.

4 – I’m grateful for the money I have and the success I have experienced.

5 – I believe in my worth and I deserve to be paid.

When we can shift our mindset from scarcity to abundance, that there is enough for everyone even for our “competitors” to strive in this world. This is what will change the world moving on from 2024.


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