Do You Need be An Expert to Share Content?

Published by Jeet Tan on

Do you need to be an expert to start sharing content? This is a question that I receive all the time. You’re thinking that you’re not good enough to share content because you’re not truly an expert in the topic that you’re talking about.

Yet at the same time, you do need to market yourself. You do need sales coming in. And you do need to market yourself quick.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king

There’s a lot of hate in the “guru” field, as they are touted as people that have a lot to say but they don’t really embody these things themselves. But one thing that we need to admit about these “fake gurus” and that they do their marketing well.

They appeal to a mass audience that has lesser knowledge then them in whatever domain they are talking about. This is something we have to admit that fake gurus do well, and that’s they have more knowledge and expertise compared to their audience.

Are they right 100% of the time? Absolutely not. Are there things that they get wrong that a clear expert can see straight away? Absolutely yes.

But what they are not afraid off is marketing their content which is what you need to do. Acquire enough knowledge/expertise to be one step ahead of your prospect and start speaking out.

Confidence is very important

I believe more important than anything in entrepreneurship is confidence. EVEN if you have no sales coming in, or you’re going through a dry patch you need to have full confidence in yourself that you’re providing the best service, the best product and are in general the best.

People buy confidence, they’re not buying your product actually. People are buying the confidence you have in your product. So you must work your mindset in this sense that you’re providing the best.

This is not only important in sales (one on one closing) where people can sense it, even in your marketing. If you’re confident that what you’re doing is helping other people then you will put it out there.

If you’re on the other hand running a scam, you will not have any confidence in your work. Deep down inside, you know it’s wrong. Your conscience will not allow you to be confident. This is why I urge everyone to pursue a niche that they are interested in and is not simply for making money.

No, you don’t need confidence – but you must know your s***

You need to know your shit, there is no doubt about it. You don’t need to be an expert in anything to share your content. You don’t even need to have the results to back it up. Think about it, if everyone needed the results to back things up before they share something on the internet, 80% of the people starting their own businesses for the first time will be out of business.

Think about the greatest businesses created so far – the Iphone will not exist, Elon Musk will not have this crazy company to go to Mars, you will not even be using a computer. NO ONE IS AN EXPERT when starting out. You get good by getting things going. By being in the game. So just start, feel the fear and do it anyway.

What you need is determination, to learn about your niche. Determination to study and to become an expert eventually. As long as you’re on the road to greatness, you’re on the right track. Start sharing content, start posting. Let’s go.


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