What You Can Learn From The 4-Minute Mile?

Published by Jeet Tan on

Roger Banniseter on May 6th 1954 busted a record that was called the four-minute mile. The four-minute mile is basically just that, it was thought impossible for a human being to run a four-minute mile. Banniseter broke this record by completing it in 3 minutes 59 seconds.

A month later, his Australian rival, John Landy broke his record and achieved a time of 3 minutes 38 seconds. Today, the four-minute barrier has been broken by 1755 athletes.

What does this show? That once we show other people that limits can be broken, people start to believe they can do something and they do it. To put it short, your belief that you can or cannot do something will dictate the results you have.

Take going to the Moon for example, a feat once deemed impossible. Was achieved by Neil Armstrong in 1969. After that, there’s been a total of 6 moon landings. We achieved the moon landing because someone out there believed that it could be done. And they did it.

But before, everyone ridiculed the concept of going to the Moon. “That’s impossible.” “That’s stupid” But after it’s been shown physically that something can be done, people start to believe the possibility.

What does this have to do with marketing/business?

Well, all of us have self-imposed limitations that we have on the results we can achieve. For example, right now I’m doing a challenge to upload 100 blog posts in my blog. I’ve never uploaded 100 pieces of long-form content into any platform. Even my YouTube channel – Simply Jeet has only 70+ videos. We’re sitting at 86 blog posts right now at this current post.

This is an achievement that I’m trying to reach because it’ll break my comfort zone. I try to break my comfort zone all the time. For example, there was also a time where I thought writing my book was impossible, until I did it myself. You want to always be challenging your comfort zone in your field, in order to achieve a higher income and to grow your business – you must break your comfort zone.

There are probably many goals that you have in your business, that you feel is impossible right now. I want to challenge you to break that limitation. But this is not done as an immediate process. You have a current set limit about your possibility and what you can achieve, what about breaking that limit just by 10%. Or breaking that by just 20%. A 300% increase of your current results may seem too daunting for many. That’s why just a small amount is good.

Whatever limit you have right now, I believe you can break them. We as human beings are amazing creatures, we’re capable of achieving so much more than we are made out to be. But it’s our mindset, our beliefs that keep us locked into the chains of the results we have.

Especially in marketing, what we promote, other people can feel it, the transference of emotions happens even through technology my friend. We have to keep on upgrading our mindset in marketing so we can put out BETTER content, PROMOTE to a wider audience and be able to close more deals through what we do.

But it’s not something out there, like the economy that’s stopping us, or the market. It’s just simply our beliefs about the market, and how optimistic/pessimistic we are about things. I challenge you, whatever limitation you have, break it by just a bit. Improve just a bit, and see where that’ll take you a few months from now.


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