How to Master the Art of Taking Action

Published by Jeet Tan on

It’s not about your ideas that matter, but the implementation of your ideas. So, if that’s the case, why are we so focused on ideas and planning but not on the execution of the ideas, the HOW.

Action is very important; a lack of action will lead to failure. An overabundance of consistent action over long periods of time will lead to success. Therefore, I will list to you some of the principles you need in order to master the art of taking action.

Action in volume

Action is not only about doing things once, it’s about a repetition. It’s about a practice. This was a trap I fell was I thought there was going to be an ending, except when I reached the end there was another level that required more of me.

This was when I realized that this game was like brushing your teeth. Will you brush your teeth once and say that’s enough. Would you shower once and say that’s enough? No right, because this game is an ongoing process. Learning is an ongoing process. Action is an ongoing process.

Chances are you’ll need more than one action to get where you want to go. You’ll need massive action.

Five vs One

I call this concept five versus one, if you have five things to do, how do you tackle the five things. Say you have to write five blog posts today. The answer is to write one thing. Start with one thing. Five things is optimistic, one thing is realistic. This is the process, and in the process, you can only do one thing at a time.

So, if you have five things to do, tell yourself to do only one thing. The worst thing you can do is to rush the process and try to do everything at once. A tree does not rush, nature does not rush, yet it gets everything done.

You cannot do everything at once, this is a fact. You can only do one thing at a time, so pick one and start. Get your head in the game.

The Comparison Trap

I don’t compare myself with other people. However, in my younger years, I did a lot of comparing – looking over my shoulder to what people were doing instead of focusing on my actions. This led to a lot of trouble and more importantly NOT taking action/procrastinating.

You see, the level you have right now is your level – you just need to own it and work with what you have. You have to learn how to detach yourself from other people. Tell yourself, what others have is none of your business.

What you need to do is to break your own limit.

Letting Go

Once you have executed, you have to learn the art of letting go. Just tell yourself, you’ve done enough. This is where you pat yourself in the back, for whatever action you’ve taken, no matter how small.

This is important because if you’re always telling yourself that you’re s***, that you’re not good enough. Then that’s a big problem, you’ll run into motivation problems. I don’t care how small of an action you’ve taken, it’s worthy of having a pat on the back.

Call me a snowflake, but you have to become your biggest cheerleader. There’ll be no one waiting for you in the finish line, you have to cheer onto yourself even before you reach the end. This is the reality of things, so become your biggest cheerleader. I know, because I’m my biggest cheerleader. Great job guys.

1 Comment

Impatience & Neediness Destroys All Sales - Jeet Tan Copywriting · July 1, 2024 at 2:04 am

[…] Before you take any action, there lies an important thing which you must do beforehand, and that’s preparation. If you are not prepared to do something, mentally not prepared – chances are your results will not be consistent. […]

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