Impatience & Neediness Destroys All Sales

Published by Jeet Tan on

Although the number one most important thing in sales is decisiveness. I would never suggest someone to never take action, to never try to go for the close. A lack of urgency will kill sales after all.

But on the other hand, paradoxically, if your prospect senses your desperation for closing a sale. They’ll pull away, and you’ll be left scratching your head what’s happened. Instead, you want to develop a mindset of patience. A patient person sees things from an overarching long-term perspective.

The danger of a results-oriented mindset

If I talk to a person that has an overt results-oriented mindset, with an obvious lack of care of the process. I will name this person dangerous. Why?

A results-oriented only mindset is someone that tells me immediately that they don’t value the process, they want things right now. They will be someone that takes a lot of shortcuts and ultimately be someone that’s not internally and externally satisfied.

The results-oriented mindset is a one-legged stool, because although they will pour a ton of energy into getting that one result, they will neglect other areas which will make the fail the moment a crisis hits.

There’ll be short term results, but only that – nothing long term. Actually there will always be a risk of complete collapse of a person that’s dangerously focused on only results.

You just don’t feel that good to be around a results-oriented person because in their eyes, you’re not good enough and they themselves not good enough.

Sales preparation

Before you take any action, there lies an important thing which you must do beforehand, and that’s preparation. If you are not prepared to do something, mentally not prepared – chances are your results will not be consistent.

However, it’s not as simple as pulling the trigger. If you don’t believe you can close a prospect, don’t do it. Investigate within yourself, what’s the reason WHY you believe you can’t close someone.

What you’ll find is either a lack of mental preparation, or you’re not completely sold on your product (product needs work) or there are some things in your personal life that needs to be taken care off. The word here is a lack of preparation.

You must get pre-areas resolved first before you can go into the close. Otherwise, you’re going to act with a lack of decisiveness which will eventually lead to losing sales.

Prepare to win, what are the things you must get ahold first to build your mental fortress. Make a list of those things and do it. These are the things that needs to be resolved before attempting for a sale, but as you can see they require time and patience.

So..How do you develop patience

There are two things that goes into developing patience. First is to have a strong self-esteem, without this you’ll always be looking for external validation to fill your own void.

You’ll see others doing better than you and have this desire to compete with them even though you’re not even ready to be in the same game as them. This leads to shortcut taking and ultimately failure.

The second thing is to see things in timeframe, there’s a timeframe for everything. Everything you want in life requires a time-investment into it.

Without investing time, there can be no reward. However, a time investment means that you’re going to be planting a seed right now that will sprout sometime in the future. You must then be okay to delay gratification for the thing you desire.

Patience is very difficult to develop, as everything in society is telling you to be instantly gratified, but I can assure you that this path will always lead to destruction because you’re trying to fill a cup that has a hole in the bottom of it.

Instead, develop the mindset of abundance. That everything you want is already here in the present moment. You ARE already whatever you want to be. You ARE whatever you need to be. This is the basis of mindset training, and to train your patience.

I’ll leave you with this quote to end this. Nature never hurries, yet it gets everything done.


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