July’s Internet Influence Masterclass Recap

Published by Jeet Tan on

On July 2022, I held my first in-person workshop on online marketing where I helped business owners and entrepreneurs further monetize their products using platforms such as social media, websites and paid advertisement.

The session had a turnout of real estate property owners, sales professionals and e-commerce business owners to learn how to further optimize their channels.

The workshop was hosted at Unionspace Ekkamai, Bangkok.

Here is the recap of our event.



The talk was started by myself sharing my backstory of how I went from being a university student in Japan to founding my online marketing agency, working with clients locally in Bangkok and internationally around the world.

It all started from an internship with viral YouTube sensations, “Asian Boss” which currently has over 3 million subscribers on YouTube. Back then, they only had about 100k subscribers.

From the foundation of content marketing, I learnt from the internship I decided to want to solve the problem of “creating income from anywhere around the world.” Copywriting was one of the solutions to this problem where I can help business owners have the freedom to run their company anywhere in the world while I’m also able to provide value remotely.

The workshop was split into five sections(excluding out the icebreaking session):

  1. The Fundamentals of Internet Influence
  2. What is Copywriting
  3. How to Start Building Internet Influence
  4. How to Convert your Followers into Raving Fans
  5. How to Start a Lifelong Personal Brand

The Fundamentals of Internet Influence

We started off by delving onto the fundamentals of internet influence. We discussed that the opportunities with the internet are now endless with over 5 billion online. If you haven’t started an online business, or moved your business’s activities online, now is still the best time to proceed.

We also briefly covered the point of competition, and that we should not worry about competition and have an abundance mindset where opportunities are endless. The pie is big enough for everyone.

I established the two pillars of internet influence which are:

To sum the conversion, having internet influence is simply having a certain amount of traffic (or views) and using this to fund whatever goal you have in mind, e.g. a YouTube channel, a business or a cause.

What is Copywriting?

We talked about the importance of copywriting, which is simply selling an idea through the power of your words.

As long as someone is a writer, they are a copywriter because everyone is selling something and influencing people through the words they write, the only question is, how good are you in selling yourself and ideas through your words.

I then moved on to a section where I shared some content on one of my free training videos, which I call the “four pillars of copywriting.” I will cover the summary of each points briefly:

I took some of the slides from my free training video.
  1. Frequency
  2. Being service driven
  3. Forming data driven decisions
  4. Always be closing (ABC)


Marketing is all about frequency. The more someone sees a message, the more likely they are to know about it.

Being Service Driven

You want to write to compensate the perspective of your audiences. Never write because you are self-driven, a copywriter is someone that writes to the service of other people.

Forming data driven decisions

You want to adapt your copy based on what is or what is not working in the marketplace. Never make decisions of your work based on intuition, or feeling.

Always be closing (ABC)

ABC is a concept that you always want to ask for a strong call to action in your copy. This is usually at the end.

You can check out the FREE training video by clicking here.

How to Start Building Internet Influence

I continued the presentation by talking about the four main steps to start building internet influence.

On one of the slides, the audience had a good question about what was the difference between having “an idea” vs “having an opinion”. I clarified that:

“Having an idea is the same as having an opinion, an opinion could be an idea, and vice versa. But what I am trying to say is that first, the creativity has to come from yourself before you go out there and start marketing..”

Jeet Tan

After you have an idea for a product, message or cause, you want to find a medium or platform where you can establish yourself as an authority and publish valuable content to build your following.

I also went through examples of people that went through the exact same formula like: Steve Jobs, Gary Vaynerchuk and Casey Neistat.

How to Convert Your Followers into Raving Fans

I further expanded on this with the: 1,000 true fans theory. All it takes to monetize and create a 6-figure business on autopilot is really 1,000 people that support your brand.

Once you have these fans, then you can monetize your brand. I clarified that if you already have 1,000 fans on your Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn combined then all you really need to do is to focus on having valuable products or services which you can monetize your followers with.

How To Start a Lifelong Personal Brand

The final section of my workshop was all about building a personal brand.

A life long brand as per discussed first starts with maintaining authenticity and integrity with yourself first. Understanding your personal brand values, as well as your WHY.

Through your personal brand values and your WHY, you would base your brand messaging completely from this. I also covered the reason why a personal brand has the word “personal” in it because it’s unique and someone that no one can copy.

We brainstormed some of the audience’s personal values which had themes such as: community, uniqueness, innovation, learning and culture.

I then gave some pointers on how you can use these personal values and infuse it onto their personal brands to make them unique and able to stand out in the marketplace.

Closing statements

We finally finished the talk with some closing statements from myself and we had a quick website audit with one of the guests who owned her e-commerce business.

What we found was that she was that although she was posting content with strong frequency, there was not much variety in her content.

K. Nana Shop

I advised her to post more variety. After the feedback session, we had a small networking event at the coffee shop on top of the meeting room. Everyone got to know each other better and exchanged contacts.


If you missed the event but still want to learn about what was discussed in this article, you can still access the slides in the link below.

>>Click here to access the full slides

Overall, it was a great success and everyone that attended was optimistic, driven and a talented bunch. Hope to see everyone at the next workshop.

If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to check out my free e-book: “Cash-Emails” in which you will have the best marketing templates, I learnt through my millionaire mentors, that will allow you write emails that can generate you a couple extra thousand dollars in sales. The strategies I will be sharing with you in this book are specifically made for email marketing but the templates can be applied onto virtually any platform. Download it through the link below.

Categories: business

1 Comment

November, and future plans for Jeet Tan Copywriting (Press Release) - Jeet Tan Copywriting · November 5, 2022 at 7:33 am

[…] Click here to read the recap of July’s workshop. […]

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