The 21 Principles of Marketing

Published by Jeet Tan on

What’s going on guys, I’m gonna give you a quick list of the 21 principles of marketing I use personally for digital marketing.

#1 Never be boring

Boring kills sales.

#2 Create a brand voice

Creating a brand voice where you customers can identify with is a key part of branding.

#3 Utilize trending topics

Topics that are trending have a high likelihood for more views.

#4 Consistency is king

Being consistent and showing up day-to-day with a plan can go very far.

#5 Attention matters

Grab attention at all cost. Never take readership for granted. Headlines, copy, call to actions. Make them stick.

#6 Collaborate

Collaboration is always one of the key to success.

#7 If content is king, promotion is queen

Always be promoting your work and telling people about it. It’s not enough to produce great content, promotion is 3x as important.

#8 Scheduling

Scheduling and keeping organized plays a huge role in marketing.

#9 Us vs Them

You want to be creating a tribe, a raving fan of customers for your business.

#10 Moving towards vs moving away

People are always moving towards something, and moving away something. You want to position your produt as something that will help them move towards something and away from what they want to avoid.

#11 Sales cures all

What’s the goal of marketing. It’s not attention, it’ll always be there to support your sales and closing effort. Never forget that without a ROI, you don’t have a marketing plan.

#12 Trying new things & experimentation

You have the freedom to try new ideas and experiment with new ideas. New ideas should always be welcomed.

#13 Execution is key

Executing a campaign is more important than the idea.

#14 Give what your customers want

Don’t give people what you think they want, give them what they actually want.

#15 Keep things clear, and concise

Don’t drone on and on and one. Keep your message short, sweet, straight to the point.

#16 Marketing is a skill

A skill is something that can be improved on and worked upon. Practice makes perfect.

#17 You need money to make money

Investing into marketing is not optional, it’s a necessity. When you put money in, expect money to come out in the future.

#18 Asking the right questions

You have to ask the right questions to understand your customer’s needs. Asking the wrong question can let you sell the wrong product.

#19 Operating with uncertainty

There’s no guaranteed campaign. A 20% success rate is considered very good. You must be able to deal with and take action even while uncertain.

#20 Clear offer, clear service

Having a clear offer which you are selling is vital to the success of any campaign. If you get the offer part wrong, nothing will work. Understand what problem does your offer solve for your customers.

#21 Build upon what you have

Your best resources are not found outside your vicinity but rather with what you have. Be resourceful, chances are, you’ll be marketing under the budget which is provided. Learn to roll with the punches.

If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to check out my free e-book: “Cash-Emails” in which you will have the best marketing templates, I learnt through my millionaire mentors, that will allow you write emails that can generate you a couple extra thousand dollars in sales. The strategies I will be sharing with you in this book are specifically made for email marketing but the templates can be applied onto virtually any platform. Download it through the link below.

Categories: marketing


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