How To Determine Traffic Quality?

Published by Jeet Tan on

How do you determine the quality of traffic you are getting. Perhaps you’re business with high amounts of traffic towards your website. But for some reason or another you can’t seem to convert any of them into paid customers – or a high bounce rate on your website?

I’ve seen a lot of these cases throughout my career. High amount of traffic but low conversions.

The first thing to check is that you have a strong offer and good copy to help convert those offers. The offer must solve a unique problem in the marketplace. If you offer is good and you’ve confirmed that you have written strong copy. Then the next culprit is probably the quality of your leads, the quality of your traffic.

You see, it doesn’t matter if you have a 100,000 people visiting your webpage. If those views are bought, it doesn’t mean that you’ll herald a high conversion rate. The reason lies with the quality of those leads.

From now on, I want you to think of conversions as the main metric and traffic as the supporting metric. You want to make sure that the leads that are landing on your marketing funnel are genuinely good leads. So, what exactly are the traits that constitutes as a good lead?

Example of good leads

  • Leads that are interested in your business and your niche.
  • Leads that are able to be converted
  • High probability of purchasing your product either now or somewhere along in the future.
  • Leads that express a strong motivation and liking to your product

Example of bad leads

  • Leads that have no interest in your niche or motivation to do business with you.
  • Leads that will not convert and will never convert
  • Leads that do not have an existing problem that they need solved, and they just somehow stumbled across your page by sheer luck.
  • Leads that are weary, they look like that they MAY be interested but actually they’re just wasting your time.

The thing with bad leads is, you can waste months if not years on bad leads. They can play to be an expense in your marketing funnel. I would recommend that you do a lead cleanup campaign. Remove all the traffic sources that may be contributing to having low quality leads.

Low quality leads are very misleading, because they make you think that you’re having a high amount of traffic. They can very well create the illusion that you’re doing very well, but in actual fact your traffic is simply inundated with low quality leads that will never convert.

I would rather have 100, good quality leads that are inclined to buy from my product than 10,000 leads that will go nowhere. In the sense of leads, quality over quantity plays a major role here.

Don’t be afraid to cut out the bad fat, but it’s not about just cutting out the bad fat, it’s about creating new leads that like you and are willing to spend money with you. And this starts with your research, where are your potential customers hanging out online, be indiscriminate in this process.

For bad leads, don’t be afraid to cut them out in the first place, because you’re going to be wasting time and also money in having bad leads in the pipeline.

If you have already a ton of bad leads in your pipeline it probably means that you’ve taken some sort of initiative, some sort of action already. So now it’s about taking that feedback and pivoting. Bad leads are a process, they will come and go. But it’s your strategy in dealing with them. This strategy will involve a filtation process in which you can screen out bad leads fast and move on to better converting leads.

In terms of traffic leads, there comes the debate of speed vs quality. If you’re promoting your business everywhere and just about anywhere, perhaps it’s time to scale that back and using that feedback to find out the places where quality leads are hanging out.

Your quantity of results will probably be decreased but the quality of leads will increase. You want to have quality over quantity in terms of leads because that’ll determine your closing percentage. Don’t be afraid to take the long road in building leads rather than just buying your way in.

At first, start with quantity of traffic, promote everywhere, but you want to use the data from those promotion to eventually find out the places where quality traffic can be found. I hope this article has helped you out and I hope this small tip will give you some insight into your business.

If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to check out my free e-book: “Cash-Emails” in which you will have the best marketing templates, I learnt through my millionaire mentors, that will allow you write emails that can generate you a couple extra thousand dollars in sales. The strategies I will be sharing with you in this book are specifically made for email marketing but the templates can be applied onto virtually any platform. Download it through the link below.


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