Gary Vee: “8-15 times/day on Linkedin”

Published by Jeet Tan on

In one of his videos, Gary Vee says to post 8-15 times PER day on LinkedIn. When I first heard this, I was like…”what did he say? That’s insane. “

However after much further thought I realized that this is what the algorithm favors. It favors frequency.

“The algorithm is on the side of the people that’s consuming it rather than the person that’s creating it” -Gary Vee

As I have previously talked about in my content, speed and frequency is king in marketing. Getting content as fast as possible and publishing as much as possible.

People are likely to forget your content because there is simply too much of it. This is why frequency is the name of the game. It’s not enough to say things ONCE, now you gotta say things more than 5 times, MINIMUM. About 12 times is the ideal promotion frequency daily. Plus people’s attention spans are fried.

There’s simple too much noise, too much distraction, and too much going on for people to handle.

There are going to be people out there telling, no, don’t post a lot. You need to focus on quality over quantity. You need to slow down, etc.

But you need to look at the person’s motivation – are they telling you this because it’s the truth or are they telling you this because it favors their marketing strategy, because all of the top marketers in the world are favoring the strategy Gary Vee has outlined– Tai Lopez, Gary Vee, Dan Lok, Grant Cardone. All of them favor frequency over quality.

Of course, the quality of the work has to be there. But it’s simply not enough to have quality if your work is not going to be seen.

Imagine this though, 1,000 people are subscribed or following you. But every time you post if you’re lucky only 5% of them will see it. 5% of 1000 is only 50. 50 views per post is very little. You either got to expand your followers, or expand your frequency so that your product gets seen by more people.

The algorithm favors people that post more often, starts more conversations more often. That’s why it’s important to be omnipresent, to be everywhere. The people that win in this online marketing game are the ones that are hustling in producing MORE volume while increasing their QUALITY of work.

This is a hard game to win as the competitive of the scene is getting higher. If a competitor is posting consistently at once a day, but you post 3-5x a day. The algorithm will favor your work and will have a higher likelihood of a bigger reach. There is simply no competition here.

As the social media marketplace is getting crowded, for those that are serious about marketing online – this is the reality and pace that you must adopt.

But think about it logically, this makes sense. I want you to remember the BEST ad you’ve seen pop up on your social media feed in the last 7 days, I’m sure there were examples of very good content but you probably can’t.

On my personal Instagram I’ve saved over 100s of reels that I loved. But if you ask me to recall any specific one, I will not be able to do that. Because there are just that many of it.

This is the same with business, no matter how good you are, there’s just too much content out there today. And thus the only way to stand out is through frequency, 10x your frequency. 10x your life. 10x your revenue.


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