You’re not too late, you’re just on time.

Published by Jeet Tan on

You’re not too late, you’re on time. This is one of the most common “motivational” lines you’ve probably heard out there all the time.

But it’s true.

If you’re reading this post right now, you may be asking – is it too late to get into the digital marketing space. Is it too late to start my business? Is it too late to save my business?

The answer is it’s never too late.

As long as you’re waking up in the morning, your heart is beating you’re not late in the process, you’re just on time.

I believe that there’s something called a perfect timing, a right place and a right time for everyone.

If you’re just getting started in the process, you’ve found this information at the right place and at the right time.

There are some people in their 40s that are finding success.

There are some people that have started well in their early school years and completely dropped off.

Some people are in the middle of the process.

Some people are ahead.

There are some people behind.

But never compare, because if you remember the tortoise and the hare. Who won the race? It wasn’t the hare that started off fast, it was the tortoise that was slow, and consistent.

It’s time to stop comparing yourself to others. To trust the timing of your life.

You’re not late.

You’re not early.

You’re just on time.

Perfect timing.

So when are you going to start that digital marketing agency. When are you going to start that business? When are you going to start marketing online? When are you going to start to scale up your operations? When are you going to start self-educating yourself on how marketing works in the 21st century?

Worried about competition? Too many people doing it, too many people that are experienced in the field?

Don’t worry about them, worry about yourself.

You’ve got this.


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