Let’s Talk About Ideas in Marketing

Published by Jeet Tan on

What are some ways to come up with great ideas in marketing. In marketing you’re being paid based on the ideas you can generate + the implementation of those ideas.

A great idea can easily lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars in your bank account.

But if ideas are the name of the game, why do most people only focus on the end result, the how-tos, but never the first conception of their fruits – which comes from ideas.

I want you to value ideas now moving forward as if they are gold, for me personally I have a notebook with me whenever I go to capture ideas. Some of the best ideas I’ve known come from the shower, or just randomly going about my day.

But a majority of them get lost if I don’t record them down. So find a way to record down your ideas. I don’t want to subscribe to the notion that there are bad ideas, because a bad idea can one day become a good idea if expanded upon.

I think it’s not about the ideas generated, but how those ideas are worked upon. As Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook said in one of his talks, “ideas don’t come out fully formed.” It’s only through getting started and working on them that these ideas come into reality.

I can take a mediocre idea and work on it and turn it into a great idea if I put my effort and time into it.

Just like the nearly 100 blog post you see here on my blog, I believe what we have here in JTC is really unique compared to other blogs because I pick case studies from the best in the industry, while sharing my personal experience working with clients and with my mentorship. Everything here is no BS, and real. I’m a no BS kind of person and give it to people straight.

If you read some of my blog posts, we have very unique posts like how to market to Japanese people, marketing mindsets like creating “nothing from something”, things that you wouldn’t find on a generic plain digital marketing blog where they are more focused on the mechanics & metrics.

This wasn’t always the case, when I started blogging, I didn’t know what are we going to talk about. But my blog and personality evolved as I got started with it.

Getting started is the best way to bring ideas into reality. Will they come out perfect? Absolutely not, but it’s through getting your head in the game that you can do it.

As I’ve mentioned, you should have an idea journal, starting putting down your thoughts on paper. When you’re working with thoughts on paper, your thinking gets solidified.

You are able to play around with ideas when it’s down on paper rather than in your head, this is because getting ideas down is the first step in making those ideas come to a reality.

Never underestimate the power of a well-executed idea. But if you have no practice working with your ideas, even your best ideas will remain that, ideas.

If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to check out my free e-book: “Cash-Emails” in which you will have the best marketing templates, I learnt through my millionaire mentors, that will allow you write emails that can generate you a couple extra thousand dollars in sales. The strategies I will be sharing with you in this book are specifically made for email marketing but the templates can be applied onto virtually any platform. Download it through the link below.


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